Far Cry 2 (and the whole Cry/Crysis series) has long been considered a system killer. If not a killer, then at least a good strong test. As always, we run our test at max settings with 4xAA. The benchmark tool within Far Cry 2 offers settings for High, Very High and Ultra. We chose Ultra with 4xAA.
While once a true system killer, Far Cry 2 shows that hardware catches up to software. Even a sub-$200 card provides an easily playable experience.
The 5670 hits 30fps at 1680x1050 and right under it at 1920x1200 - at max settings. The 5550 averages 20fps. The 5450 will run the benchmark, but barely. The 5670 will run the benchmark in Eyefinity, but at a very low framerate.
Far Cry hits 30fps at max settings. A variety of quality and AA settings will give the user 60fps in widescreen.