Palit NVIDIA GTX460 in Surround: 1GB vs. 2GB - Far Cry 2

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Genre: First Person Shooter
Surround Support: Excellent (with latest patch)

D3D10, Fixed Time Step(No), Disable Artificial Intelligence(No), Full Screen, Anti-Aliasing(8x), VSync(Yes), Overall Quality(Custom), Vegetation(Very High), Shading(Ultra High), Terrain(Ultra High), Geometry(Ultra High), Post FX(High), Texture(Ultra High), Shadow(Ultra High), Ambient(High), Hdr(Yes), Bloom(Yes), Fire(Very High), Physics(Very High), RealTrees(Very High). Resolution and AA varied. Boring game. But benched because the engine is technically very good. Would be interested in seeing a decant game using the Dunia engine, rather than it being a Far Cry 2 exclusive.

Far Cry 2

The 8xAA run was mostly out of curiosity, as aside from an atrocious minimum framerate, 6064x1200 4xAA was rather playable. Lots of flame was the cause of that 13fps.

Far Cry 2

And with more VRAM, Far Cry 2 sings. Butter smooth and gorgeous the whole way through, even up to 8xAA. Not sure why 4xAA at 1920x1200 doesn’t have a performance impact on the 2GB card. It’s impact is minimal on the 1GB cards anyway.

Far Cry 2

The anti-aliasing implementation in Far Cry 2 is rather VRAM hungry. Only an extra 400MB of VRAM used for a 3x jump in resolution is impressive, though.

Overall, I’m very impressed with how Far Cry 2 deals with Surround. If only it was a more enjoyable game…