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 Forum: AMD Eyefinity Discussions   Topic: 6970 DCII 6v 5x1 +1 extended, anyone got this working

 Post subject: IIRC HD6970 can only use 2
Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 08:32 

Replies: 3
Views: 1512

The 6970 DC II has 2x dvi 4x DP and the 5770 2x dvi 1 hdmi and one dp. However i'm only using the secondary card for a couple of touch screens with helios so ignore that card, should have made that clear. Thing is i can run 6x2l on the main card no problem so i find it a little odd why 5x1P + 1L on ...

 Forum: AMD Eyefinity Discussions   Topic: 6970 DCII 6v 5x1 +1 extended, anyone got this working

Posted: 07 Jun 2012, 04:10 

Replies: 3
Views: 1512

As the topic states, has anyone been able to run that 6th monitor together with a 5x1 res, i cant get this working no matter what i do and with recent drivers the card disables itself and reverts to my second card a 5770 instead of giving me a display group. Any tips would be greatly appreciated as ...

 Forum: Multi-Monitor Gaming   Topic: 24" monitor + 42" TV custom res aspect help PPLPP 5x1 + softth

Posted: 18 Oct 2011, 12:13 

Replies: 0
Views: 833

Hello Just wondering if someone got a a good tip on what custom resolution is needed on my 24" 16/9 monitors (set to stretch to full) to get the correct aspect combined with a 42" 16/9 TV (3d) , i'm planning on running a PPLPP 5x1 setup using softth Essentially tho i need to unsquash my side monitor...

 Forum: AMD Eyefinity Discussions   Topic: Eyefinity 3x1 557 + 4870 secondary monitor resets

Posted: 14 Sep 2010, 17:08 

Replies: 1
Views: 963

Went on a bit of a rant at the end here this morning, sorry about that, was tired and a little off. (edited out)

 Forum: AMD Eyefinity Discussions   Topic: Eyefinity 3x1 557 + 4870 secondary monitor resets

Posted: 14 Sep 2010, 08:09 

Replies: 1
Views: 963

Hi there Having spend a couple of days trying to tweak my Flaming cliffs 2 for 5 monitor use i have to say i've started to swear high and loud at Amd/Ati. Thing is to get it fullscreen i have to combine the Eyefinity (3x1 24") with Softth, (1x24 1920x1200 1x19 1440x900 ) this does work reasonably we...

 Forum: AMD Eyefinity Discussions   Topic: running 4th monitor on separate video card

Posted: 13 Sep 2010, 19:53 

Replies: 1
Views: 900

Can do but its real annoying as they always end up on the left side after you have had a fullscreen app up in the eyefinity group And if you happen to have say a 1440 monitor and your eyefinity is 1920x1080 native it will set it to that and go out of range on you. i've found the only real solution a...

 Forum: AMD Eyefinity Discussions   Topic: Eyefinity Bezel Compensation - Fixing bad EDID's

Posted: 27 May 2010, 10:32 

Replies: 78
Views: 40394

Great news guys !this made my day. Big thanks Freo and Srte4k for testing and clearing this up. Nope it wont stick trough a reboot, i turned on my comp today and found bezel management gone, turned on gpu scaling on one monitor, nothing... scared! tried the second and voila its back. (the groups did...

 Forum: AMD Eyefinity Discussions   Topic: Eyefinity Bezel Compensation - Fixing bad EDID's

Posted: 27 May 2010, 00:15 

Replies: 78
Views: 40394

Sorry forgot to mention i'm using catalyst 10.5

 Forum: AMD Eyefinity Discussions   Topic: Eyefinity Bezel Compensation - Fixing bad EDID's

Posted: 26 May 2010, 21:29 

Replies: 78
Views: 40394

Ok here's exactly what i did. I created my group and did not get bezel managment. What i then did was to configure the displays in "desktop and displays" and turn on GPU scaling. scale image to full size (on 2 monitors the 3rd only showed attributes adjustments and color) After that i enabled the gr...
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