Widescreen Gaming Forum

Hello WSGF!
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Author:  Alluziion [ 09 Mar 2011, 23:01 ]
Post subject:  Hello WSGF!

Hey Ladies/Gentlemen.

My names Chris, I'm 18 and live in Wales, UK.
I'm very new to the WSG experience and thought this would be a good place to start, learn some tips and get to know some other WSGers.

I have had my setup for about 3 days now and still learning (the learning curve was a lot steeper than I first though lol).
If anyone knows any worthy software worth getting then please let me know :D
I already have Dopefish's Widescreen Fixer which seems to be a great tool although I have yet to use it.

So far I have only played BF:BC 2 which is a great game but I'm still very confused on why I'm getting such low frame rates. I can't check my frame rate with Fraps because it's refusing to boot. But I can feel the low frame rate when playing. I have all setting on LOW and still receiving the low FRs and even when I change them, nothing seems to happen - no graphic difference what-so-ever; I have the latest Nvidia drivers for both 3D and Standard Graphics. Another problem I'm getting which may be deliberate by Nvidia is that whilst wearing the glasses and playing in 3D, it seem's abnormally dark and when I try to increase the brightness from the BF:BC 2 options menu, again nothing happens.
Any ideas?

But once again, a pleasure to be a part of your community :D


Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 11 Mar 2011, 01:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello WSGF!

Surround and 3D combined are absolute murder on the GPUs. Try it in 2D Surround to see if there is the same fps problem, then try it in single screen 3D. But combining the two at the minute, even with 3GB GTX580s, it seems, is a recipe for framerates in the teens. :(

Thats an impressive rig; welcome to the forum. :)

Author:  Alluziion [ 12 Mar 2011, 11:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello WSGF!

Thank You! :D
I might want to add that I was fortunate enough to win it in a competition lol! :D

I see, I will try later with 2D surround and see if there is any improvement :cheers

Author:  tet5uo [ 12 Mar 2011, 14:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello WSGF!

That's an awesome prize. Enjoy it and welcome!

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 29 Mar 2011, 06:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello WSGF!


Author:  tet5uo [ 29 Mar 2011, 07:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello WSGF!

Yeah , I also have 3x gtx480's and if you want playable FPS in most games when trying the 3d on 3 screens you're going to need to drop the res to something like 3x 720p

I find 3d is too eye-crossing with the bezels anyhow, so I usually just go 2d surround, or 3d on one panel.

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