Widescreen Gaming Forum

Hello. New to surround gaming. Kinda baffled.
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Author:  MNeidig [ 02 Jan 2012, 05:25 ]
Post subject:  Hello. New to surround gaming. Kinda baffled.


Long-time gamer. Since I got involved in WoW, I almost exclusively play on the PC now.

I love games with good, rich plots and immersive worlds, so I really want to get in on this triple-display rig setup.

Right now I'm saving up to build a great new rig. I've already purchased three 25" Asus LEDs, and now I'm getting ready to buy up all of the components and throw them together.

The inspiration behind the rig i want to build is Mass Effect 3. I am completely taken by the series and I want to see the final chapter in the way only triple-display gaming can deliver it. I want to be enwombed in Bioware's space epic.

I was shown this website by a moderator of MMO Champion. Here are some of the games from my Steam folders:

Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Assassin's Creed
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Dragon Age: Origins
Arkham Asylum
Arkham City
Left 4 Dead
Dead Island
Dead Space

Non-Steam Games:
World of Warcraft

Games I want to try:
Mass Effect 3
Assassin's Creed II
Crysis 2
Battlefield 3
Star Wars: The Old Republic

I think that grants the reader a pretty decent idea of the game I'm into and what I want to use triple-display gaming for. I know that Battlefield 3 is the beast that taxes just about everyone, but I'd be able to settle with playing that on one screen.

For (most) of the rest, I want to play across three monitors with minimal loss to video performance. I hope that site can help me figure out what kind of GPU power I need.

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 02 Jan 2012, 21:44 ]
Post subject:  Hello and welcome! Nice game

Hello and welcome! Nice game list, surround gaming certainly helps you immerse yourself in the games. Welcome to the site.

Author:  Haldi [ 05 Jan 2012, 14:47 ]
Post subject:  Hi and welcome.So you say

Hi and welcome.

So you say you wan't to buy a mew Graphiccard and can't decide on which?
Well that always depends on how much money you want to Spend! But you can say that the GPU is that part on the computer on which you should not be greedy!

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