Widescreen Gaming Forum

Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???
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Author:  [PC Gamer] [ 24 Jan 2009, 20:15 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

is there a technical reason why the forum has not been updated to v3.xx ??
custom mods that are not compatible with v3 ? and you can't do without ?
database issues ?
what ?

there's just so many new features/settings in the newer versions, that you really should - even if you start fresh and only migrate the users, and keep the old forum locked for read only.

(and yeah, i have a phpbb forum myself.) :wink:

Author:  DaFox [ 24 Jan 2009, 21:11 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

Upgrading from phpbb2 -> 3 is a very heavy task in it self, not to mention all of the custom goodness like the whole template that would need to be redone.

Author:  Soduka [ 24 Jan 2009, 21:34 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

Least you guys are lucky/well prepared. I swore off phpbb forums because every time I hosted one they were hacked within two months.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 25 Jan 2009, 13:01 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

We looked at doing this some time ago but we decided not to do this soon. Perhaps in the future we will but at this time it's simply to much work.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Jan 2009, 14:36 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

There have been a lot of alterations to the 'base' phpBB2 package, from what I understand, and shifting to phpBB3, while also maintaining a uniform look across the whole site (forum, wiki, and so on) is not going to be the easiest task in the world.

Author:  skeeder [ 25 Jan 2009, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

Honestly...if it ain't broke...:)

Author:  skipclarke [ 26 Jan 2009, 06:01 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

There were three reasons:

1) The mods. These were mostly around anti-spam and resizing pics. phpBB3 has these built in, and I don't think we'd have to worry about that.

2) New admin system. I really don't want to "learn on the job" on the WSGF. Too much at stake

3) New styles system. I have to figure out how to port our style over to the new system.

I am loading and running phpBB3 for another client, so I now have some intro experience with #2, and will be getting it with #3.

The phpBB folks have stopped supporting phpBB2, so we need to migrate as soon as we can. It ain't broke, but we do need to make the switch. It's just a matter of getting the time to learn, prep and make it happen.

Author:  maherie [ 26 Jan 2009, 11:18 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

It's a big job. I'm currently learning to skin phpbb3 so once we have it swapped over new layout you think?

Author:  skipclarke [ 27 Jan 2009, 00:17 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

Yea. That's the biggest thing. I found a skin that had a left nav. Just need to see how they did that, and steal it.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 27 Jan 2009, 00:21 ]
Post subject:  Why no upgraded to latest phpBB ???

...and steal it.

"Use for reference."


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