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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Age: Origins
PostPosted: 13 Dec 2013, 23:56 

Joined: 13 Dec 2013, 23:48
Posts: 4
I know this is a bit old, but did anyone figure out centering the HUD? I just picked the game up off Steam, ultimate edition for 7.50, never played it before.

Have barely started and am seeing the flickering you are all discussing and the hud all the way on my left screen is so far away!


 Post subject: Re: Dragon Age: Origins
PostPosted: 15 Dec 2013, 03:20 
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Joined: 21 May 2011, 14:18
Posts: 1232
RasconTwo wrote:
I know this is a bit old, but did anyone figure out centering the HUD? I just picked the game up off Steam, ultimate edition for 7.50, never played it before.

Have barely started and am seeing the flickering you are all discussing and the hud all the way on my left screen is so far away!

Here you go:
http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.ph ... dragon+age (Dragon Age Origins)
http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=26562 (Dragon Age 2)

You can find the plugin at: http://3dsurroundgaming.com/WSF.html
You need WideScreen Fixer to apply the fix.

If you don't manage it let me know;))

Best Regards,

WideScreen Fixer... Fixes your Surround problems to give a gorgeous 3D Surround Experience!
WideScreen Fixer

Only website to show TRUE 3D Vision Surround Gaming Videos(viewable by anyone) only at
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 Post subject: Re: Dragon Age: Origins
PostPosted: 20 May 2015, 04:39 

Joined: 12 Mar 2015, 22:24
Posts: 26
I'm playing the ultimate version of Origins at 3440x1440 21:9.

Anyone know how to remove the black bars during cut-scenes in this game? It's definitely doable since the cut-scenes aren't pre-rendered and there were some mods a few years ago that removed them for 4:3 users. These are no longer compatible with the latest version of the ultimate edition.

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Age: Origins
PostPosted: 31 May 2015, 21:34 

Joined: 18 Nov 2011, 20:57
Posts: 12
Hello Helifax,

Firstly thanks for all the hard work you do. Im using your Dragon Age: Origins fix as above on the Origins version 1.05v. But can't seem to get it to work, appears to have not effect no matter what setting I pick. If you could point me in the right direction I would be thankful.


 Post subject: Re: Dragon Age: Origins
PostPosted: 13 Jun 2015, 21:37 

Joined: 18 Nov 2011, 20:57
Posts: 12
I found this, and think its worth sharing on here.


It's a UI mod for Dragon Age that centers and extends the quick bar. The end result that in a three monitor set up the quick bar appears on the middle monitor. Which is where you want it.

Link too my screenshot
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Age: Origins
PostPosted: 29 Nov 2015, 14:51 

Joined: 20 May 2015, 22:52
Posts: 3
Mayh3M wrote:
I'm playing the ultimate version of Origins at 3440x1440 21:9.

Anyone know how to remove the black bars during cut-scenes in this game? It's definitely doable since the cut-scenes aren't pre-rendered and there were some mods a few years ago that removed them for 4:3 users. These are no longer compatible with the latest version of the ultimate edition.

i am playing on 2560x1080 and i have the same problem.

any fix?

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Age: Origins
PostPosted: 15 Jul 2016, 01:02 

Joined: 19 Jan 2016, 17:40
Posts: 5
reaperx wrote:
Mayh3M wrote:
I'm playing the ultimate version of Origins at 3440x1440 21:9.

Anyone know how to remove the black bars during cut-scenes in this game? It's definitely doable since the cut-scenes aren't pre-rendered and there were some mods a few years ago that removed them for 4:3 users. These are no longer compatible with the latest version of the ultimate edition.

i am playing on 2560x1080 and i have the same problem.

any fix?

Would like to know if there is a fix for this as well.

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Age: Origins
PostPosted: 24 Apr 2019, 17:43 

Joined: 24 Apr 2019, 17:32
Posts: 2
sontifx wrote:
reaperx wrote:
Mayh3M wrote:
I'm playing the ultimate version of Origins at 3440x1440 21:9.

Anyone know how to remove the black bars during cut-scenes in this game? It's definitely doable since the cut-scenes aren't pre-rendered and there were some mods a few years ago that removed them for 4:3 users. These are no longer compatible with the latest version of the ultimate edition.

i am playing on 2560x1080 and i have the same problem.

any fix?

Would like to know if there is a fix for this as well.

Still holding out hope for some generous soul to find a fix.

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