Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 18 Jul 2018, 18:58 

Joined: 18 Jul 2018, 18:39
Posts: 1
Thread resurrection, and hopefully people are still around to read - and help!

i3770k, R390 gfx card, Win7 64bit, 32GB RAM.
3 x Dell 27" 2560x1440, usually running dual-screen at 5120x1440

Got AvP 2 running, without dramas (whoot!) and ran into a problem. The game launches fine, but each monitor displays the game, as though the desktop is being mirrored on each display rather than running on just one at 1632 x 834 (sorry, can't remember the exact out-of-the-box maximum display). In a way, this makes sense, although I would have expected it to be centered in the middle of the dual display (ie, as though it was running on a real single 5120x1440 screen), but still across both monitors.

Set it to use a windowed display. Crashes.
Installed the AvP2 custom launcher - works, but still displays the game independently on both screens, rather than stretching it across the screens. Happens no matter what I set the resolution to (e.g. setting it to 5120x1440 still displays two identical games screens, one per monitor, rather than one widescreen game across both)
Tried the widescreen patch - no difference
Installed the updated custom hires textures - no difference (ok, didn't expect that to!)
Tried running it windowed from custom launcher - crashes.
Set max screen rate in Radeon settings - and then running windowed. It launches.... but there is no display at all, just the usual windows desktop. Small game icon in the taskbar however shows the game splash screens!!!

Any ideas, help, greatly appreciated. Ideally to run in a window, as dual screen FPS gaming is a PITA unless one can offset the aiming recticle away from the center of the screen.


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