Widescreen Gaming Forum

Battlefield 3
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Author:  peanut [ 25 Oct 2011, 19:46 ]
Post subject:  Hydralisk_X wrote:I have a

I have a personal issue with something in the game: The "lens flare" 2-D sprites that they use.

They are everywhere. Like holy cow.

The problem in triple wide is that they're STRETCHED so they appear to be oval splotches on the screen that are 3x as wide as they should be. It is VERY distracting and ugly. Is there anyway to replace the 2-D sprite file with one that's 3x as thin so they show up properly? This game LOVES to use a ton of light sources that generate these splotches (especially at night).

That was one of the issue I included above - I agree, very distracting

Author:  thales100 [ 25 Oct 2011, 19:50 ]
Post subject:  tet5uo wrote:Also the

Also the waypoint markers and objective markers seem to become mis-aligned in triple wide and don't hover over the correct areas always.

Can you please post a screenshot ?

Author:  tet5uo [ 25 Oct 2011, 19:58 ]
Post subject:  thales100 wrote:tet5uo

[quote]Also the waypoint markers and objective markers seem to become mis-aligned in triple wide and don't hover over the correct areas always.

Can you please post a screenshot ?

Yeah, I'll try to grab a screenshot or video showing this when I get home this evening.

Author:  matrices [ 25 Oct 2011, 20:09 ]
Post subject:  Then I humbly suggest that we

[quote]Isn't it rather premature to dole out "A" rating to a game that just came out? Certainly, for anyone playing in Surround/Eyefinity, the MP is unplayable at 1080p x 3 because the HUD elements distinguishing friend from foe do not appear.

I dont think its "premature" to rate a game on release day, and checking the grade calculator ( http://widescreengamingforum.com/grade_calc/ ) i also dont think it deserves a "B" for some HUD elements issues at multi-monitor resolutions only.
Anyay ill send a pm to Ibrin so he can take a look at this, cheers.

Then I humbly suggest that we reevaluate the grade calculator. Perhaps an overall grade is not useful and grades should be specific to single and multi-monitor modes. Because what is the value of an an "A" rating to a gamer who has three monitors when said game is not functional in Surround and Eyefinity? It becomes misleading.

It's worth emphasizing that Just because the AR and FOV are correct does not mean the game is functional in multimonitor mode. Key HUD elements (friend or foe signs) are absent and, as noted, the lighting issues are way out of control - it's quite literally blinding to look into the sun or bloom source in the game in Surround mode in multiplayer.

Author:  matrices [ 25 Oct 2011, 20:13 ]
Post subject:  Here are two of the less

Here are two of the somewhat less egregious examples. I have other screenshots where you practically can't see.

Author:  pudel [ 25 Oct 2011, 21:05 ]
Post subject:  Same problems here. Most

Same problems here. Most annoying are the missing friendmarkers and the stretched lighteffects everywhere. That makes it nearly unplayable. Beta worked so good and now this. I dont get it. |(

Author:  trracer [ 25 Oct 2011, 22:02 ]
Post subject:  Has anyone of you reported

Has anyone of you reported those problems on the official forums?
As I have stated before I have a contact at DICE (one of the software engineers) that I could forward complaints to too...
They did accommodate some changes for us widescreeners between the beta and retail so I assume they are interested in all feedback they can get.

Author:  tet5uo [ 25 Oct 2011, 22:55 ]
Post subject:  Yeah, I've been communicating

Yeah, I've been communicating with a Dev over there as well about the weirdness with negative mouse acceleration. I could also add some feedback about some of these triple-wide issues too in case it gets lost in the noise of the official feedback forums.

Author:  rebelstar [ 25 Oct 2011, 23:17 ]
Post subject:  Oh damn! So, I don't see

Oh damn! So, I don't see "marks on head" on the enemies because of eyefinity? It's really CHAOS for me in the game, I can't recognize enemyfriend. Shooting friends and dying from the enemies thinking it's a friend!!

Author:  pudel [ 25 Oct 2011, 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Attached some pics showing

Attached some pics showing the stretched lensfare effects (and also the missing friendmarks - all guys you see are teammmates).

Attached files

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