Have any of you noticed that the menu screens aren't right? If I select one of the menus from the bar at the bottom while in the game, the text is bigger and I can't close the menu.
The scoreboards aren't the right size and even the Main Menu screen of the game isn't correct. The only screen that is in 1680 x 1050 is the playing screen with the graphics.
Did I do something wrong? Anyone else have this issue?
i just got this game yesterday. i have a sony 55kdf. i ran the patcher for '04 as indicated above. i have the same issues with menu's and cut screens. i can only get a picture when playing. i have my rez set at 1200x692 using an ati 9700tx. i have an s-vid out on my card that i have to switch to in order to navigate the menu's and then back to dvi/hdmi to play. is there anyway to get all menu's/cutscreens to play at the same resolution?