Widescreen Gaming Forum

FlatOut 2
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Author:  BongoTrumman [ 06 Aug 2006, 21:15 ]
Post subject:  FlatOut 2

Widescreen Grade: C
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: C
Multi-monitor Grade: Incomplete
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - FlatOut 2

Flatout 2 is a racing game made by Bugbear entertainment. The main draw of the game is the destructible environments and the fact that the driver of every car is a ragdoll, which is used in many of the various mini-game levels.






Author:  Violent Ken [ 06 Aug 2006, 22:47 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

guess im not getting it now. thanks for the shots :shock:

Author:  Cornflake [ 31 Aug 2006, 13:44 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

Well that's lame. I got this game a couple of weeks ago, and was enjoying the great Bloom light effects, now I suddenly don't want to play it.

It doesn't even do [Vert-] it simply stretches the scene on the 3D render level... so even though you can be running at the native widescreen res, so you don't really see jaggies, all the shapes are stretched...

Author:  skipclarke [ 03 Sep 2006, 00:16 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

They just Released a 1.1 patch for this yesterday that now supports widescreen aspect Ratio :)

Empire Interactive Site

This is for the Euro/German Beta Patch.

· Voice chat added

· Text chat added for the European version

· Bandwidth detection, and adjustments to the network send bandwidth

· Players are not disconnected if a race starts when they are not ready, instead they can wait in the lobby until the next race

· Improved prediction of remote cars in multiplayer games

· Simple cheat detection added for modified data and known hacks

· The list of multiplayer games extended to show 100 games instead of 25

· Only one kick vote can be initiated per race for the same player

· Return to the list of multiplayer games when you exit the lobby and have previously been searching for a game

· The draw distance for dynamic objects increased

· Aspect ratio option added, widescreen support

· Manual gearbox option added

· Userdata added to network objects that can be used when making game modifications

· New command line options added (see below, in COMMAND LINE OPTIONS)

1'st post btw.......... :wink:


1920x1200 with 1.1 patch

Author:  geeman [ 03 Sep 2006, 13:24 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

It is Vert- :(

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 03 Sep 2006, 18:59 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

Anyone want to submit comparisons screenshots of the 1.1 patch?

Author:  skipclarke [ 04 Sep 2006, 21:08 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

My first pic, was with the 1.1 patch, compared to BongoTrumman's

Here's the new options menu


Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 04 Sep 2006, 21:21 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

I see. Too bad it's vert -. The game's grade got promoted from a D to a C.

Author:  Dem Pyros [ 28 May 2007, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

==Game Information==

Flatout 2 is a racing game made by Bugbear entertainment. The main draw of the game is the destructible environments and the fact that the driver of every car is a ragdoll, which is used in many of the various mini-game levels.


This information is based off of the demo and is believed to be the same as the real game.


Native. When you launch the game it will give you a list of some supported resolutions you can use.

==Screen Change==

The regular game is Vert-, but the menus, opening videos, and HUD stretch.

4:3 Menu

16:10 Menu

4:3 Gameplay

16:10 Gameplay

==Supported Resolutions==

640x480, 720x480, 1280x720, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1440x900

Not tested: 1680x1050, 1920x1080, and 1920x1200

==Singleplayer Anomalies==

None noted.

==Multiplayer Support==

There is no multiplayer in the demo, however as multiplayer is just singleplayer without AI, there shouldn't be any.

==Aspect Ratio Support==

16:10 and 16:9 are both supported, but are both Vert-



==HUD stretch==

The HUD stretches. You can see this in the gameplay screenshots.

==Cut Scenes==

The opening cut-scenes when the game loads are stretched. Does the retail game have any other cut-scenes?


Calculated grade: ?
Potential grade: ?

Major unresolved issues:

Minor unresolved issues:
Are 1680x1050, 1920x1080, and 1920x1200 supported?

Summary of widescreen-related flaws:
Gameplay is Vert-, the HUD, Cut-Scenes (opening videos), and Menus stretch.

Cranky's coverage estimate: ?

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 28 May 2007, 23:57 ]
Post subject:  Flatout 2: Detailed Report

Unfortunately, the demo can't be used as the basis for a detailed report for this game. The screenshots here are stretched, not vert -. The full version has a patch that enables widescreen support; that's the version of the game that the MGL reflects. Since widescreen support for the demo and the full game are known to be different, the detailed report must reflect the full version with the 1.1 patch installed.

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