Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fallout 3
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Author:  Tanuki [ 29 Oct 2008, 08:14 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

Widescreen Grade: B
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: B
Multi-monitor Grade: B
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Fallout 3

Fallout 3 was developed by Bethesda Game Studios. I don't want to set the world on fire. Fallout gets another lease on life under the ground in Washington DC.






Author:  Tanuki [ 29 Oct 2008, 08:19 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

Rendered cut-scenes - View has some random placement but the pics are close enough to see the horizontal change.

There are some listed resolutions that are always anamorphic on my system but it is my belief that you should be able to get any display-native resolution fullscreen.

This is 1600x1000. The game bumps it up to 1600x1200 for my display and letterboxes. What happens when your display does not support a resolution higher than 1600x1000? My guess is fullscreen but if someone would confirm that would be great.

I also believe that this is a letterboxed 16:10 image.

Author:  yogibbear [ 29 Oct 2008, 10:34 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

Thanks Tanuki, i love it when games that you can get lost in forever and ever and ever have perfect widescreen support. Awesome. Look forward to playing this in a few weeks when uni's over.

Edit: argh! slight faults in minigames.... :( posted ^^ too soon to be true.

Author:  P-Storm [ 29 Oct 2008, 13:02 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

For those of you having problems with the computer terminals being off the screen, open up my documents/my games/fallout 3 and edit fallout.ini

edit fDefaultFOV=75.0000 to 150.0000 this changes the menus FOV not the game! so the pipboy, hacking terminals and lock picking screens appear how they should look.

This worked liked a charm for me at 3840x1024

edit - If you are just installing the game, I recall that fallout.ini did not appear until I ran the game once. And I hope this helps everyone! ^^

Maybe usefull if someone is looking for TH2G information

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 29 Oct 2008, 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

Can you check this info out, and see if it fixes the vert - problem? And if it does, we should make this fix part of our "official" solution, in which case, could you update the DR accordingly?

Author:  KelsieKatt [ 29 Oct 2008, 20:26 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

I love that it has options to play in any aspect ratio you want, regardless of your monitor. I can't seem to make up my mind between 1680x1050 with the sides cut off, or 16:9 letterbox... I keep switching between them when I play it, but I'm leaning towards letterbox as that was the original intended view.

Author:  Tanuki [ 29 Oct 2008, 23:08 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

Can you check this info out, and see if it fixes the vert - problem? And if it does, we should make this fix part of our "official" solution, in which case, could you update the DR accordingly?

I have tested this and every other view seems to be unchanged with the exception of the one listed flaw.

I used 5:4 as the baseline because that was the only aspect ratio that did not crop the character creation portrait.

Hopefully these issues are addressed in a game update.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 30 Oct 2008, 00:55 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

I have tested this and every other view seems to be unchanged with the exception of the one listed flaw.

By that, do you mean
A: The character portrait is the only screen that would normally be vert -, but increasing the FOV fixes that at the cost of making it misaligned
B: There are multiple screens that would normally be vert -, and increasing the FOV fixes only the character portrait screen at the cost of making it misaligned
C: There are multiple screens that would normally be vert -, and increasing the FOV fixes all of them, but at the cost of making the character portrait screen misaligned
D: Something else

Author:  Tanuki [ 30 Oct 2008, 01:31 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

C: There are multiple screens that would normally be vert -, and increasing the FOV fixes all of them, but at the cost of making the character portrait screen misaligned

Sounds good to me.

-Character Creation Screen
-Special Book
-Computer Terminals

The last two are present throughout the game. The overlay pics in the HUD section are Vert - without the fov changes.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 30 Oct 2008, 01:35 ]
Post subject:  Fallout 3

Then the grade is B. The .ini solution and the character misalignment screen are blemishes.

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