Widescreen Gaming Forum

Far Cry 3
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Author:  Blevar [ 03 Dec 2012, 00:13 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 3

Widescreen Grade: A
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: Incomplete
Multi-monitor Grade: B
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 is an open world first-person shooter, which also features role-playing game elements including experience points, skill tree, and crafting system. The player has the ability to shoot enemies behind objects in crouch mode based on experience points. The player will also have the ability to perform "takedowns" by performing melee attacks from above or in crouch mode. The game's narrative director, Jason Vandenberghe, said that the story mode map will be around ten times larger than in the game's previous installments, indicating that it is still an open world sandbox game. Players will be given the ability to survey and plan out their attacks with stealth takedown combinations and also take pictures with their cameras.





Author:  michaelfeb16 [ 01 Jan 2013, 17:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 3

Overall, my eyefinity experience here hasn't been too bad, but there are some serious issues with the UI.

-The map is way too large. It stretches the width of all three monitors making it impossible to see anything as you are too zoomed in.

-The minimap is cut off. The top fourth of the minimap is off screen, requiring you to turn to view where objectives are. Additionally, the thing is unnecessarily large.

-The prompts about objectives are hidden behind the massive minimap.

-Tutorials and mission description popups are mostly off screen vertically.

Author:  Blevar [ 23 Jul 2013, 18:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 3

michaelfeb16 - try disabling CrossfireX then the hud should be scaled correctly.

Author:  six-shooter [ 11 May 2014, 16:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 3

- I can't seem to get my game in full screen, even when I set it in the menu and/or press alt-enter, it just won't. Editing the configfile also doesn't help.
- There is no sound, exept on in-game movies.

It's weird how buggy this game is.

Author:  DAOWAce [ 17 Aug 2014, 00:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 3

UI appears 30% bigger in 21:9. Cuts off very bottom of minimap too.

If the UI works right in mutli-monitor, why is it bugged up in 21:9? It's the same vertical resolution.

Author:  imusrt [ 07 Nov 2014, 07:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3 screenshot. PLP manual full spread. Full-size & instructions here

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