I don't see the issue.
If the game was developed 16:9 (which I'm sure it was), then the shipping 16:9 FOV is what they intended, and the 4:3 version is simply "vert+", in the nomenclature of this forum. It's not unlike Super35 in film, where the 4:3 version often has more information on the top an bottom than the 1.85:1 version does.
Doing comparisons between the two versions isn't really meaningful. If the 16:9 FOV isn't to your liking, then that's your issue. What Irrational (sorry, 2K Boston, ugh) decided to do for the 4:3 version is pretty immaterial, right?
Now, keep in mind there are people with a TH2G that play at 3840x1024...
What those players now would basically see is just the crotch of the figure on the right... They basically would lose the top third of that picture, and the bottom third...
They would not see the figure's head, the feet, nor the "ticket" sign, nor the blood on the ground...
Their view would be very, very much zoomed-in...
(interesting that the "bioshock widescreen" on also lose the "ticket" sign, for the most part...)
To understand what a TH2G user will see, look at the "normal standard" shot, and realize that while their width of their screen will go from red line to red line, the top of their screen will start where the top-most bullet hole is on the left, and the bottom of their screen will be at the bottom-most bullet hole that is INSIDE the red lines...
TH2G users will be WILDLY looking up/down just trying to get an idea of what their surroundings are...
Does this make more sense now?
And if you don't know what TH2G is, then please look around the forums for examples...
Actually, there's a previous post in this thread itself that shows off 4:1 versus 4:3... Now if that 4:1 image is just a zoom of what you see in the 4:3 image, that can't be right, no?
Here's the image for reference:
FOV-t.jpg [ 38.85 KiB | Viewed 1816 times ]
The whole problem is FOV, which when all resolutions have the H-FOV, something's wrong!!!