Widescreen Gaming Forum

Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be
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Author:  Low Roller [ 22 Aug 2007, 23:57 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Remember, 2K's Chris Kline originally stated:

"You will see more in widescreen. We use a different projection matrix; there is no squashing or stretching of the image involved."

Author:  xtcme [ 22 Aug 2007, 23:59 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

[quote]Look what just happened :)


registered to post this....

Tried the WS hack and I must say WHAT a differnce.

I play on a 1680 x 1050 and after messing around with the Hack I foound my perfect setting...

Amazing thing was...Dururing the very first lil sister cutscene..(after i fall of the stairs recieving first plasmid)(demo)I SAW HERE LIL UGLY face....Before I could only see her chin.the FOV hack fixes cutscenes to( proof the cutscene was in engine)

Thanks racer

Author:  Twisc [ 23 Aug 2007, 00:02 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

I got the FOV hack working under Vista x64 with Steam.

You need to force DX9 mode. To do this with Steam open your games list, Bioshock right click -> properties. Click "Set launch options" and type in "-dx9" without quotes. Game will now load in DX9, so you won't get the minor water effects or whatever DX10 added that you probably can't even notice, but you should now be able to use the FOV program.

Author:  Googlestater [ 23 Aug 2007, 00:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Steam version?

"]16:9 users, heres your settings!!

0.706 Width / 0.75 Height

Actually I'm pretty certain it should be both same height and width.
The ideal settings for a widescreen 120 FOV should be about 0.625 on a 16:9 :)

I ask you this..what is the the ratio of widescreen to 4:# in their offices...if they say they developed it in widescreen:


Jeez are there any widescreens even there? Lol. And that was in January of this year, so its not like it was taken a long time ago early in the development cycle. Essentially those screenshots put the lie to the take 2 explaination.

Author:  Osuperman [ 23 Aug 2007, 00:19 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

GOOD NEWS! This is a quote from Elizabeth over at 2K...

you aren't limited in any way to 2 activations. this is not true. you can have the game on 2 computers at the same time, but you can activate it more than 2 times, for sure. if you change your mobo or something, just uninstall and reinstall. if you have a crash and need to reinstall, you can do that, too.

From here: http://forums.2kgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6103

So you can activate as much as you want, it's just that you can't install on more than 2 computers at the same time ... PHEW! I was seriously worried for a minute there...

Author:  kilmar [ 23 Aug 2007, 00:25 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

I just wanted to add my thanks to Paddy the Whack and Racer_S for their great job and support.

I'm running it on Vista 32 and I LOVE the FOV mode in DX9 mode and the Racer_S's fix. Problem is that it is VERY unstable. Not faulting anyone for the crashes, but I will be anxiously awaiting a version of the hack that works in DX10.

Author:  MasterYoda [ 23 Aug 2007, 00:34 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

aw, when i try loading it into DX9 mode it doesn't work properly. It's like the textures don't want to load for the interactive objects. Tables and other objects look like they're using old school gouraud shading...i'd take a screenshot if my screenshot key was working...

Author:  nitro [ 23 Aug 2007, 00:34 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

I just wanted to add my thanks to Paddy the Whack and Racer_S for their great job and support.

I'm running it on Vista 32 and I LOVE the FOV mode in DX9 mode and the Racer_S's fix. Problem is that it is VERY unstable. Not faulting anyone for the crashes, but I will be anxiously awaiting a version of the hack that works in DX10.

You have my thanks too dudes :)

BTW, kilmar, can you post some DX10 screenshots with ultra-detailed-maybe-commercial-bullsh*t-texures feature enabled please ?


Author:  kilmar [ 23 Aug 2007, 00:38 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

[quote]I just wanted to add my thanks to Paddy the Whack and Racer_S for their great job and support.

I'm running it on Vista 32 and I LOVE the FOV mode in DX9 mode and the Racer_S's fix. Problem is that it is VERY unstable. Not faulting anyone for the crashes, but I will be anxiously awaiting a version of the hack that works in DX10.

You have my thanks too dudes :)

BTW, kilmar, can you post some DX10 screenshots with ultra-detailed-maybe-commercial-bullsh*t-texures feature enabled please ?


Your wish is my command. I'll put a comparison shot if once I find a place where DX9 and DX10 shows the biggest difference.

Author:  Gabbo [ 23 Aug 2007, 00:38 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

[quote]Try the one in your Start menu ... Games ...

In games explorer? I have a shortcut on my desktop, but I don't know how to force dx9.

You can simply add a switch to your shortcut to run in DX9 mode.

In the "Target"

You would have something like this:

"D:2K GamesBioShockBuildsReleaseBioshock.exe" -dx9



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