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Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be
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Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 24 Aug 2007, 15:38 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

I am like a moth to the flame, I can’t look away.
Be careful ... you'll get burnt ! ... :lol:

Author:  Elios [ 24 Aug 2007, 15:51 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

paddy what info on DX10 do you need to get it work ill help any way i can here i got vista64 up and running and have a 8800

Author:  aggies11 [ 24 Aug 2007, 16:29 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

[quote]... In the end they're doing the right thing, and that's what matters.

I wouldn't so much call it "the right thing", as it is more of an apology. Just because you say "I'm sorry" for making a mistake, does not erase the fact that you made the mistake in the first place.

It'd be like a murderer turning themselves into the police. It's a good thing to do, the right thing under those circumstances, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that you killed someone.

The ideal "right thing" to do, would be never to have had these problems in the first place. You don't get an award for saying "I'm sorry" when you make a mistake. You are supposed to do it.

And quite frankly, judging by the initial PR responses, we probably wouldn't be getting a resolution to this issue if there wasn't such a large community backlash.

Again, I am still glad they are doing it. Many companies don't even attempt to "make amends" and just ignore the problems all together. But just don't give them too much credit as they will be trying to do the bare minimum possible to quiet everyone down, nothing more.


Author:  Sweetz [ 24 Aug 2007, 17:16 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

[quote]... In the end they're doing the right thing, and that's what matters.

I wouldn't so much call it "the right thing", as it is more of an apology. Just because you say "I'm sorry" for making a mistake, does not erase the fact that you made the mistake in the first place.

It'd be like a murderer turning themselves into the police. It's a good thing to do, the right thing under those circumstances, but it still doesn't excuse the fact that you killed someone.

The ideal "right thing" to do, would be never to have had these problems in the first place. You don't get an award for saying "I'm sorry" when you make a mistake. You are supposed to do it.

And quite frankly, judging by the initial PR responses, we probably wouldn't be getting a resolution to this issue if there wasn't such a large community backlash.

Again, I am still glad they are doing it. Many companies don't even attempt to "make amends" and just ignore the problems all together. But just don't give them too much credit as they will be trying to do the bare minimum possible to quiet everyone down, nothing more.

Oh come on, that's a ridiculous metaphor. You're a little off base if you're comparing this to murder.

I was upset about their implementation as anyone, heck I was the second person to post about it after Paddy over at 2K; but they're human, they made a mistake, and they're correcting it. You can't "unkill" someone, but you can patch a bad FOV.

They actually didn't have to do anything. If you didn't like their implementation, you didn't need to buy their game. Those of us who have been complaining about the implementation have been catching some undue flak, but if you're still holding a grudge at this point you really do need to pull the stick out.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 24 Aug 2007, 17:21 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

You can't "unkill" someone, but you can patch a bad FOV.
... :lol:

Author:  kohlstream [ 24 Aug 2007, 17:30 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be


you guys might wanna comment on this, its such a lame argument its funny.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 24 Aug 2007, 17:41 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be


you guys might wanna comment on this, its such a lame argument its funny.
No ... had enough of that nonsense ... :wink:

Author:  greylantern [ 24 Aug 2007, 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be


you guys might wanna comment on this, its such a lame argument its funny.

I'm with Paddy, it would be walking into the discussion version of 'groundhog day' and exactly what they want us to do. No way do they deserve my attention when they don't even know what the issue really was.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 24 Aug 2007, 18:08 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Exactly ...

Author:  Gabbo [ 24 Aug 2007, 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be


This is great news. I finally got a good amount of sleep and now I wake up to find both confirmation of a forthcoming patch AND and 8800 being supplied to Racer_S courtesy of 2K.

All I can say is they better not mess up my VERT+ with the patch.

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