Widescreen Gaming Forum

opengl not supported in cs
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Author:  drelo [ 16 Mar 2006, 07:31 ]
Post subject:  opengl not supported in cs

Help! I just got a new evga 7900gt and when I go to play cs It says opengl not supported in cs. I have all the newest drivers and i have tried to force opengl but nothing is working.

Author:  Gabbo [ 25 Mar 2006, 00:29 ]
Post subject:  opengl not supported in cs

Are you talking about the original Counterstrike for Half-life or Counterstrike Source?

The original was a native OpenGL API driven game (D3D was an option, but it looked like crap). CS:Source is a D3D game, so I would suggest not messing with OpenGL.

If anything, when you're having trouble with API's, it is almost always your drivers to blame.

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