Widescreen Gaming Forum

Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??
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Author:  skipclarke [ 18 Sep 2006, 01:37 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

Any comments ??


Author:  skipclarke [ 18 Sep 2006, 04:01 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

I've been eyeing if for quite some time, but never got around to it. Didn't Paddy post the WS solution for this one?

I heard that it is very "halo-esque", and that the storyline is very strong. Worth checking out, me thinks.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 18 Sep 2006, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

Hi guys ...
I started to play it ... I didn't like it as it is in that 3rd person view and there is no AA so it always looks VERY jaggie ... I stoped playing because of this.

Solution here ... http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=10298&highlight=advent+rising#10298
Sorry I can't find the screenshots for that solution ... :(
They were on the old server .. and were lost ... :(

Here are some screens in TripleHead though ... http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=36123&highlight=advent+rising#36123

EDIT ...
Ah wait ... they are on my old server ... I haven't had time to copy them across yet ... I'll do it soon ...
For now you can compare the screenshots here ... about half way down the page ... http://www.paddywak.co.uk/Screenshots/

They don't look too jaggie in the screenshots as the screens were scaled down ... but it is Very jaggie.

Author:  Gizmo [ 18 Sep 2006, 09:48 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

It seems Advent rising is one of those games ppl love or hate....

I loved it myself although id agree with many ppl that it felt a little rushed in places,things like half the story cut scene's be pre render in max/maya and looking great and the other half being poor low res jerky offline renders using the game engine

it was kind of over budget/behind schedule when it was relased (the xbox version was more than a little buggy but the PC version got fixed up a lot more before it was released)and i think the dev's wanted to fix it up with patches after release but the publishers dropped like a hot potato....its a shame really as it has a great story(again things could have been been explained in a little more depth but it never left me saying wtf is going on now like a few games ive played) that will really leave you wanting more (AV was/is a troligy if they ever get around to making the other 2)

The lack of AA as pady says can be a little distracting this is because of the way the game engine(a modded UT 2 engine) renders water and other post process effects,ive heard of ppl having luck using SS AA modes on nv hardware but i cant try that out for you as im running an 1800XT PE

Gameplay wise the first 1/4 is a 3rd person run and gun with some vehicular action but the last 3/4 gets a lot more intresting with jedi like PSI powers

One tip id give you if you do play it is to redfine your keys as the default controls are horrid even redefined the controls take a little getting used to and you'll find yourself poping in and out of the control layout a few times during the game

I see it going for a few $/£'s on evilbay and ive seen it in a few bargin buckets but if you cant find it anywhere local you can always pull it in from steam for $19.99

Id say it well worth the play and has a good 10 hours of solid gameplay

If you want any screen grabs just give a shout

hope this helps

one more thing this version of the game engine does'nt like dualcore CPU's so either alt/tab alt,ctrl,del and set your infinity via task manager or start the game in win98 compatiblity mode

Author:  skipclarke [ 19 Sep 2006, 00:20 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

Thanks for the feedback, Gizmo and Paddy.

I think Gizmo's on to something - in fact, now that I think back to the reviews it got I think the uneveness b/w story and gameplay were exactly why it got a tepid reception. Still, the game does look interesting, if only for the cool sci-fi story and the chance to try something different.

Say Paddy - do you have to hit f4 (once it's bound to the FOV change) every single time you start up the game? And when we're talking Jaggy....er...um...just how jaggy are we talking about? :lol:

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 19 Sep 2006, 08:13 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

Say Paddy - do you have to hit f4 (once it's bound to the FOV change) every single time you start up the game? And when we're talking Jaggy....er...um...just how jaggy are we talking about? :lol:

Hey buddy ...
Yeah ... you have to hit the F4 every time you start the game ...
(and ... I think ... after the cut scenes. I may be wrong on this part as I no longer have the game and can't remember.)

Well about the jaggies ... see that screenshot above ... see the jaggies ... from what I remember they were even worse than that when at 1920x1200. I didn't like them at all.

Author:  Fionndruinne [ 20 Sep 2006, 05:00 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

Ah, yes, Advent Rising. I played it on the Xbox, mind you, so I'm not wise to the differences in the PC version. Yes, the Xbox game was rather buggy; my game froze a half-dozen times, and the sound cut in and out sometimes. I think the game demanded a little more than the Xbox had to give (future installments might well be Xbox 360).

But as to the content of the game, it's truly engrossing. The story drives the game, and it is an excellent story, very promising. The way the story was told was just a little scaled-down, as if Orson Scott Card thought perhaps it might go over the heads of gamers - which it doesn't, and if they succeed in putting out a sequel, I expect they will gauge correctly from our reactions and up the ante. Not only does the story make you feel for the characters, but more importantly it makes you see things in a different light. In Advent, humans are a glorified myth, something seen by the alien races as precious and wonderful, and one can't help but see humanity from a different perspective while playing. It's rather inspiring.

Graphics-wise, there are ups and downs. Certain locations fail to impress, for there are some underdetailed landscapes and objects, but generally it gets better toward the end. Some of the landscapes are quite lovely. But the most stunning visuals in the game are those of the "powers" you receive. The force push, when fully charged, sends a wave of energy that is just incredible. The whole of the boss battle which you can fight only if you wait through to the end of the credits is fought with the powers, and it's quite impressive.

Lack of saves is a bothersome aspect, as there are checkpoints, but these disappear if you turn off the game. Only level beginnings are really saved. This caused me a little frustration, until I learned to watch for level changes.

Guns are fun in this one - especially the ability to dual-wield rocket launchers and similar large weapons. My favorite was the Faust (a 90-cal. concussion pistol), which sounded truly awesome.

Yes, it is rather short, but that's not a concern with prices as low as they are. Everyone should give this a try, and if we want to see (more stable and uniformly detailed!) sequels, we need to support it. This could easily be a cult game, and that's a good thing.


Author:  LuckMC11 [ 20 Sep 2006, 05:45 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

yea...i actually loved this game...i absolutely oved the story..the gameplay..and even the graphics in game..i liked going from 3rd person to first person (even though it wasnt for the whole game...but still fun 2 switch back and forth while shooting)

yea...the level saves..i either stopped playing after i finished a level, or beat the level i was on...cuz i did NOT wanna start the level over..lol

btw...i've heard that wit the Xbox version..there were TONS of bugs, but with the PC version, they got rid of like all of them (i dont think i found/saw/encountered any bugs while playing)

i dont think i saw much jaggidness tho

i cant wait for the sequel to come out!!

Author:  Angry Bear [ 21 Sep 2006, 00:56 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

I thought it was a pretty fun game.

Its actually being sold on Steam now for $20.

Author:  Microtia [ 21 Sep 2006, 01:28 ]
Post subject:  Advent Rising FPS - Anyone Playing this ??

I have this sitting around for my Xbox somewhere, just never got around to playing it. If it's truly better on PC (less on the bugs etc) then I may just considering picking it up for said platform and actually playing it.

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