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why people get insane headshots in TF2?
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Author:  DaFox [ 10 Jul 2008, 05:36 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

Yeah its pretty bad, in CS:S it used to be HORRIBLE. Its still pretty bad with lag compensation on, theres alot of running around a corner and then dieing because they shot your legging model.

Author:  [email protected] [ 10 Jul 2008, 07:07 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

So any client can change the variable so that they can shoot the player model instead of the hitbox?

Author:  infernus [ 10 Jul 2008, 15:37 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

Wow, that was really helpful. Let's see if I can hit something worth a damn now. D:

Author:  Mergatroid [ 10 Jul 2008, 16:05 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

erm, wait. I thought lag compensation being on was the default, meaning they would have to hit the model anyway. What's the problem?

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 10 Jul 2008, 19:09 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

Huh, that might explain why some of my well-aimed shots in fact miss. I should be be leading a sideways-moving target by 2 feet instead of 2 inches! That would be if lag compensation if off, right? With lag-comp on, aim for the model.

DaFox, you meant the lagging hitbox, right? I'm still a little confused.

Can anyone offer more technical advice on this?

Author:  BlueMak [ 10 Jul 2008, 19:36 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

Interesting. To me it (video since I don't have the game) looks like with lag compensation ON then the games makes it so that you need to aim ahead of the moving enemy since the game takes into consideration lag in game. And when you turn it OFF then it only counts shots at the model. The problem with having it OFF though seems to be that if there is indeed lag then you won't hit shit.

Author:  Cynagen [ 10 Jul 2008, 22:16 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

Interesting. To me it (video since I don't have the game) looks like with lag compensation ON then the games makes it so that you need to aim ahead of the moving enemy since the game takes into consideration lag in game. And when you turn it OFF then it only counts shots at the model. The problem with having it OFF though seems to be that if there is indeed lag then you won't hit shit.

The lag compensation should work both ways. When you're lagging horribly, then the hitboxes should be BEHIND the model. For those of us moving FASTER than everyone else (like me on the WSGF TF2 server ~5ms ping) then the hitboxes are ahead to make the game even handed. I should turn lag compensation off so that way I have to hit your models for damage rather than some invisible, nearly impossible to hit hitbox.

Author:  DaFox [ 10 Jul 2008, 22:16 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

Huh, that might explain why some of my well-aimed shots in fact miss. I should be be leading a sideways-moving target by 2 feet instead of 2 inches! That would be if lag compensation if off, right? With lag-comp on, aim for the model.

DaFox, you meant the lagging hitbox, right? I'm still a little confused.

Can anyone offer more technical advice on this?

No the hitbox does not lag, The model always lags behind the hitbox. So if lag compensation is ON and you run around a corner, your camera view and hitbox will be around the corner, and you may think your safe but they can still shoot your lagging model that has not turned the corner yet.

I dont see how hard it is to sync up the model with the hitbox though. :roll: I mean if the other clients know where your hitbox is wouldn't it just be easier to always have the model in the same place?

Author:  Ryom [ 10 Jul 2008, 23:26 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

Huh, that might explain
I dont see how hard it is to sync up the model with the hitbox though. :roll: I mean if the other clients know where your hitbox is wouldn't it just be easier to always have the model in the same place?

Everyone has different pings and therefore see's the model in different places. The server tells them AFTER the shot where the hitbox was and if it's a big difference your target (or you!) will get that JERKED VIEW effect as they sync to register the shot.

Lag compensation should be on, which it is by default.

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 11 Jul 2008, 00:16 ]
Post subject:  why people get insane headshots in TF2?

OK. I should leave LC on. Got it.

Still confused about aiming. If my ping averages 50-150, where should I be aiming? Instead of mentally calculating distance, gravity, projectile speed, etc., should I be looking at other players' pings and try to figure out hitboxes? :?:

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