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Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously
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Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 15 Jul 2008, 00:18 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously


I can't believe it,I never thought I would see the day, I'm jumping for joy.
Now there is no reason to own a PS3 ecxept for MGS4 as this leads us to believe FF games past 13 will also be available on the 360.

Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 15 Jul 2008, 00:24 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously

[content deleted because I said so]

Author:  DaFox [ 15 Jul 2008, 03:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously


I can't believe it,I never thought I would see the day, I'm jumping for joy.
Now there is no reason to own a PS3 ecxept for MGS4 as this leads us to believe FF games past 13 will also be available on the 360.

Blu-ray is a bigger reason that MGS4 to own a ps3 IMO.

But yes, theres virtually no reason to own one now.

Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 15 Jul 2008, 03:11 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously

Blu-ray is a bigger reason that MGS4 to own a ps3 IMO.

It would be if I gave a shit about Blu-ray, or High Def dvd's in general.

Author:  Osuperman [ 15 Jul 2008, 06:12 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously

Okay I have to get this off my chest...

The first time I played Final Fantasy was on the Playstation. It was number 7 I think. Anyway everyone was saying how amazing it was; how it was the best looking game ever made, how it had surpassed the great barrier of the Playstations' very graphical limits & power (ooh wonder and awe!) blah blah blah. So I played it... 20 minutes later I realised I hated it, the gameplay was non-existent the graphics were horrendous, (okay the cut scenes were nice but erm, so what?) and while I sat there during some sort of 'battle' mode (god knows why people accept this term) waiting to do something, I thought to myself "I don't get this," and I was pretty unhappy about it too, as I'd already been scooped up by all the hype and glee people were spurting, I was disappointed to say the least. So I gave up and went along my merry way.

A few years passed and the next Final Fantasy (this time for the PS2), was coming out. Again, everyone was raving about how the graphics were eye-wateringly amazing, how the story was beautiful and generally how incredible the game was going to be... so I thought, "Wow hey! You know, okay, that first one was rubbish but this looks really good, I mean it must be really good, everyone says it is!" So I pick it up and BAM! It was terrible, just as bad, if not slightly worse than the last. I learned a valuable lesson that day: I hate Final Fantasy. (This didn't stop me from watching that god awful movie, though. So I guess I didn't learn much after all.) Now is it me? Is it just me? But from my experience (okay, it is a very limited amount of experience) these games are just all style and no content. I guess I was looking for something more than a graphical extension of an RPG card game.

Oooh I also need to get this off my chest:

The same thing happened when I tried the demo of MGS2 & Halo, admittedly I lasted about 15 minutes on that one, but my god why can't I get these games? Whats wrong with me?! OR... what's wrong with everyone else?

I also don't like Anime (either as a result of my aforementioned experience or just by coincidence) and Transformers sucked.

This is not meant to offend anyone by the way, (thought I've probably posted in the wrong thread for that to ring true, but it IS!) I've just always been slightly confused as to the pull these games have over people, they are such massive franchises with huge followings. Why can't I get them?

Also, what was with that film anyway, does it have anything to do with the games at all? - By this point I really don't care about expressing my complete ignorance of these things.

PHew! I'm so glad I got that out there, ...now I can let go... and be free! *flies away into a cloud*

Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 15 Jul 2008, 06:29 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously

Everyone's different, people who put people down for the types of games they choose to play are plain ignorant. Games = entertainment, people play what they find entertaining.

I can say the same thing you said about sports games but I don't judge people based on what they choose to play. I simply don't like those types of games but I don't judge people or try to act "better" than them b/c I don't agree with what their playing. I just keep my mouth shut b/c rants like yours just show how ignorant someone is. Granted yours wasn't that harsh and didn't attack anyone, it only attacked the genre, which is fine, But most end with something like "f/uck you f/aggot I hate f/aggots that play games like that". So I applaud your rant as it didn't attack the people, it only attacked the genre.

I laugh at the morons in games who's communication skills = "go back to CS you halo-fag, and the halo-fag says go back to CS you CS-fag" *wash rinse repeat for all other games* And their probably the morons sitting there in 3 week old wifebeater shirts planning on how they're going to murder their wife irl

Profanity used for authenticity, not out of ignorance.

Also, what was with that film anyway, does it have anything to do with the games at all? - By this point I really don't care about expressing my complete ignorance of these things.

To make a loooooong story short FF7 was the first Square RPG and the first Final Fantasy to be on something more powerful than the SNES so it became one of the most successful games in history, fans have *more than I can explain* wanted a FF7 remake or even a port for the PS2/3 even though they know it won't happen. So since the first CG FF movie came out "Final Fantasy: The spirits within" *came out many many many years ago* didn't go that great in the US, Square-Enix started working on FF7:Advent children which plot wise takes place 500 years after the end of the FF7 game, aside from the movie being graphically amazing people craved more storyline for the series b/c no FF games have anything to do with eachother and FF7 was the most popular one, I think to this day it still holds the record for the most copies of a PSX game sold.

Author:  skipclarke [ 15 Jul 2008, 06:46 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously

Yea, I tried FFVII and didn't like it either. I can from an "old school" pen & paper D&D RPG background, where you could go anywhere and do anything. I found FFVII to linear and limiting. While I tried to finish one quest, it would derail me into something else. I kept getting confused as to what I was supposed to be doing at the moment.

I did like the combat okay, but I hated the "random" encounters that happened all the time. Broke up the game too much for me. I do like the stories (when I can follow them), and the CG is great. I wish they would just put out all the CG plot cut-scenes and some cool battles into a movie. I'd rather watch that.

Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 15 Jul 2008, 06:47 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously

I did like the combat okay, but I hated the "random" encounters that happened all the time. Broke up the game too much for me. I do like the stories (when I can follow them), and the CG is great. I wish they would just put out all the CG plot cut-scenes and some cool battles into a movie. I'd rather watch that.

That's where Advent Children comes into play, it's what fans have always wanted movie wise, and even the lore whores wanted it b/c they craved more FF7 lore.

Author:  Osuperman [ 15 Jul 2008, 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously

Hi Ascii, :D

Please do not take anything I say to heart, I don't mean to upset anyone. I would never judge anyone for the games they play. Not at all. I was just wondering why I can't get into the games so many millions of other people can, it is annoying! I wish i could join in!! *Sigh*, it's something that's vexed me for years and I have remained silent for too long, in the fear of upsetting someone... I guess years of keeping schtum had caught up with me.

Anyway thank you for listening :)

Author:  Mergatroid [ 15 Jul 2008, 17:22 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy 13 on the 360 - Seriously

Also, what was with that film anyway, does it have anything to do with the games at all? - By this point I really don't care about expressing my complete ignorance of these things.

...b/c no FF games have anything to do with eachother...

All of the main-line FF RPG's (except the first) and the movie have Cid, and most of the games have a Chocobo in them somewhere and an airship. That's the only thing that correlates them other than the name.

Edit: Ignore what I said above. It's been a while since I've played an FF. Other commonalities include summons (Shiva, Ifrit, etc.), Moogles, basic monsters (tonberries, cactuars) and bosses, some of which double as summons (Bahamut, Leviatan (yes, that's how it's spelled), Tiamat, etc...).

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