Widescreen Gaming Forum

Quake Live
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Author:  g00seberry [ 25 Feb 2009, 20:53 ]
Post subject:  Quake Live

The Quake Live site is now up for anyone to join. You may have a long wait (~1 hour) in a queue, but just leave the site open and wait it out.

Seems pretty good. Very nostalgic! :) I thought I was good at it, but 20mins in and I'm going to have to reassess that !! I'm usually close to the bottom of the scoreboard :(

My name is Dobalina. Post your names here once registered so we can get a WSGF friends list going !

Author:  infernus [ 26 Feb 2009, 05:59 ]
Post subject:  Quake Live

Was in the beta and didn't get to try it much. Punkbuster never worked.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 28 Feb 2009, 04:22 ]
Post subject:  Quake Live

Mmmm I am (sorta) in it. I think my log in name is machpants, or something similar!

Great Compo here ;) : http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/node/10225

From that thread you can see why I can't remember my log in name...still waiting!

Author:  djib [ 28 Feb 2009, 16:28 ]
Post subject:  Quake Live

Had anyone had any luck with surround gaming setup?

Author:  infernus [ 28 Feb 2009, 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Quake Live

Seems like you guys have far better luck than I have. I tried again last night because my friend asked to play a bit and it's even more buggy now, if that's possible. Installed it again and it asked to play a qualification match; I guess it forgets things if you uninstall, whatever. Turns out the game doesn't want to use my mouse with it, and I'm stuck just closing the game.

sigh, never liked browser games. Tell me when they get a new client or something.

Author:  InnerGoat [ 01 Mar 2009, 05:16 ]
Post subject:  Quake Live

It was stable the last time I tried it a few months back. Havn't given the latest version a run though because of the wicked quere to play eariler. :shock:

Author:  Downtown1 [ 01 Mar 2009, 06:00 ]
Post subject:  Quake Live

Had anyone had any luck with surround gaming setup?

When I last tried it about a week ago the FOV was locked at most 120 I think. So they need to uncap the FOV like the original Quake series and we'll be golden.

Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 01 Mar 2009, 10:17 ]
Post subject:  Quake Live

Might be a good time to learn quake me thinks.

Sheesh, I gotta bring back the twitch!

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