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Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?
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Author:  mustangdelta [ 08 Dec 2009, 02:04 ]
Post subject:  Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

So the battle is on for the Trekkers (Trekkies) and the upcoming Star Trek Online game. Sellers are offering exclusives for the pre-order business;

•GameStop -- GameStop customers receive the ability to command the exclusive and always classic USS Enterprise from Star Trek The Original Series.
•Best Buy -- Best Buy is offering their customers a fun in-game pet. As a Federation Captain, players own a famed Tribble of Star Trek lore that will accompany them on their travels into the final frontier. As a Klingon commander, players control the boar-like Targ, a beast found on the Klingon home world of Qo?noS.
•Amazon -- Amazon is offering an exclusive ?Liberated Borg? Bridge Officer. This bridge officer, who comes with unique nanotechnology augmentations, assists in missions and gains experience as the player does.
•Wal-Mart -- With the Wal-Mart Bonus Skill Points package, receive addition skill points that enable players to improve their characters quickly.
•Target -- Target customers who preorder Star Trek Online receive a unique ground weapon ? a TR-116. This rare projectile weapon is used in dampening fields and other challenging environments; it is also modified with a micro-transporter which beams the fired projectiles to targets at close range so that a user can fire without a direct line of site.
•Direct2Drive -- Direct2Drive customers receive an exclusive Multi-Spatial Personal Shield. This advanced personal shield system is based on Borg technology, which constantly regenerates itself and the health of its wearer.
•STEAM -- STEAM is offering customers Chromodynamic Armor. This armor is based on technology brought back from the Delta Quadrant by U.S.S. Voyager improves the damage and critical hits of energy weapons.


Torn between the original Enterprise or owning a Tribble. Definitely in for getting on a week early :rockout :rockout

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 08 Dec 2009, 02:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

So... freaking... annoying...

Author:  Tanuki [ 08 Dec 2009, 03:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

I want a Vulcan sex slave.

Let me know when that comes available.

Author:  Wiz33 [ 08 Dec 2009, 20:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

I kinda wanted the Enterprise as having a Cruiser at start will probably make space based mission a bit easier in the beginning. But i also want the Borg as it will be helpful throughout the whole game.

Author:  Vroshnak [ 09 Dec 2009, 20:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

Amazon's Borg or Wal-Mart's Bonus Skills.

Author:  Anprionsa [ 10 Dec 2009, 04:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

If the borg is useful the whole game I would choose it, poor target... doubt that it is that good...

As a matter a fact are any of them that good???

Author:  BHawthorne [ 10 Dec 2009, 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

If the borg is useful the whole game I would choose it, poor target... doubt that it is that good...

As a matter a fact are any of them that good???

Before the game even starts I can tell this type of thing is fail. Another item-centric grindfest. I'll probably buy it anyways because it's not like any other Trek MMO is going to come along in the next couple of years.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 11 Dec 2009, 00:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

I guess I will go with the Tribble. I would maybe rather have the borg officer but I don't want to wait for Amazon shipping.

Author:  Tanuki [ 11 Dec 2009, 00:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

First one to say they are going to get them all gets free gaming cred.

Author:  DaFox [ 11 Dec 2009, 00:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Which Star Trek Online incentive do you want?

First one to say they are going to get them all gets free gaming cred.

What about me who is not getting any of them?

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