Widescreen Gaming Forum

Dead Space
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Author:  Dreadloxxx [ 03 Nov 2010, 11:09 ]
Post subject:  Dead Space

Ok, I know this game has been out for quite a while now but I must say it is one of the best games I've played in eyefinity thus far. The game has been sitting on my shelf for about a year or more untouched. I played about 30mins worth when i bought it and hated how cluttered the screen was so i put it away. I thought i would give it another shot since i have eyefinity now and i played for 4 hours straight lol. It is amazing with the extra viewing room, and it looks like it was made for eyefinity, no stretching or distortion at all. It's just one more reason to never go back to a single screen again lol. What do you guys think?

Author:  PatternSpotter [ 03 Nov 2010, 11:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Space

How is the screen cluttered ? there is no HUD ? claustraphobic, yes, that's intentional as is Isaac's slow clunky movement, all add's to the tension and atmosphere of the game.

Otherwise great game and runs flawlessly across 5760x1080 with SoftTH, so good a game in fact that I played it twice back to back over a couple of days, and hopefully the 2nd one due out next January will be as good as if not better than the first one.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 03 Nov 2010, 12:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Space

eZ` was telling me how good Dead Space was in Surround, but it's really not my sort of game. :( Pity, as new, innovative IP from a company like EA should be supported.

Author:  Slinky [ 03 Nov 2010, 12:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Space

I also agree its one of the best games ive played in eyefinity

Author:  g00seberry [ 03 Nov 2010, 14:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Space

eZ` was telling me how good Dead Space was in Surround, but it's really not my sort of game. :( Pity, as new, innovative IP from a company like EA should be supported.

Yep, tis a bit of a coincidence. I was saying how from a technical standpoint, the game is mightily impressive - with flawless, yet probably unintentional, support for multi-mon gaming, as well as awesome performance and being (from my playtime at least) bug free.

Also a good game too :mrgreen:

I'm worried about Dead Space 2 though. Whenever an IP gets instant popularity, the devs usually try to add too much in too little time. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm staying highly cynical the second will live up to the quality of the first :(

Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 03 Nov 2010, 16:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Space

I played about 30mins worth when i bought it and hated how *cramped* the screen was so i put it away.
I'm pretty sure that's what you meant brew.

Author:  Dreadloxxx [ 03 Nov 2010, 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Space

[quote]I played about 30mins worth when i bought it and hated how *cramped* the screen was so i put it away.
I'm pretty sure that's what you meant brew.
Yeah I guess cramped would have been a better word. On a single monitor isaac took up most of the left side of the screen so it felt like I only had a small window of viewing space

Author:  yogibbear [ 04 Nov 2010, 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Space

Dead Space officially rewrote the history books on EA for me. (which is incredible, as usually it takes more than one game to sway my opinion of a publisher). The amount of videos of interviews etc. etc. of the developers out there is incredible and they actually talk about the development in a sensible and logical and yet still cool way rather than the trash hype vids for most Ubisoft/Activision trash out there. Hilarious because 4-5 years ago I would be saying the exact opposite. The game in my opinion is one of the few games i have installed on my computer where you just play it and never have thoughts like "why does this texture look weird, why can't I do this in the options menu, who made this stupid level, etc. etc.", it just works seamlessly. (why can't everyone do this these days?... arcanum runs better than most games i have purchased recently)

Author:  Anprionsa [ 04 Nov 2010, 18:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dead Space

I find myself in agreement with you. :cheers

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