Widescreen Gaming Forum

Need Advice on Super Ultrawide vs Triplewide setups
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Author:  LOWao [ 08 Jul 2019, 16:30 ]
Post subject:  Need Advice on Super Ultrawide vs Triplewide setups

I am looking at a super ultrawide 32:9 monitor or triplewide 63:9 1440p or triplewide 48:9 1080p setup. I use to have a triplewide 1080p setup and it was incredible for productivity and gaming. I miss it. I would love to hear what you guys have to say about wide screen gaming as of lately.

How's game support out of the box in lately for 32:9 and 48:9 and 63:9 setups?
Are a lot of games still requiring tweak for hud corrections for 32:9 and 48:9 and 63:9 setups?
How does the smaller 32:9 compare to a 48:9 setup or a 63:9?
Does the smaller real estate bother you even though there are no bezels and no triplewide setup pains?
Thoughts on triplewide 1440p vs 1080p?
What is everyone running as in specs for their setup?
Anything else you guys would like to add regarding 32:9 & 63:9 or 48:9 setups?

Some of the different ratios and resolutions that are available right now.
Super ultra 32:9 1080p: 3840x1080
Super Ultra 32:10 1440p: 3840x1200
Super Ultra 32:9 1440p: 5120x1440
Triplewide 48:9 1080p: 1920x1080 times three
Triplewide 63:9 1080p: 2560x1080 times three
Triplewide 63:9 1440p: 3440x1440 times three

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