Widescreen Gaming Forum

Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer
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Author:  McKie [ 04 Nov 2011, 02:15 ]
Post subject:  So if i have a bezel

So if i have a bezel corrected to 6040 X 1200 should i put that in custom. or still stick with the native 5760 X 1200

Author:  dopefish [ 05 Nov 2011, 20:33 ]
Post subject:  I'd put the custom setting.

I'd put the custom setting. Just input the resolution and it should work. When you use bezel correction, it actually does render the game at the higher resolution.

HOWEVER, putting in that may cut off some of the HUD. I haven't exactly added in support for bezel management so it just divides the screen by three and centers it on that.

I have plans for more control over this coming up.

After I work on a MW3 plugin (if it needs it), I'll try and finish up a lot of work I was doing to Widescreen Fixer and release it.

Author:  McKie [ 07 Nov 2011, 00:55 ]
Post subject:  Nice ..... Thanks

Nice ..... Thanks

Author:  KogaShuko [ 07 Nov 2011, 19:23 ]
Post subject:  Any info on MW3 support yet?

Any info on MW3 support yet? Have you played it yet?

Author:  dopefish [ 07 Nov 2011, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  It's not released until

It's not released until tomorrow. There's another 18 hours until it's released on Steam.

When it does unlock, I will be looking into what it currently supports and doesn't support, and will work on a fix as needed.

I'm hoping to have something available shortly after the game unlocks.

I updated the Black Ops MP plugin just now to support v7.0.189 that got released a little bit ago.

Author:  KogaShuko [ 08 Nov 2011, 05:50 ]
Post subject:  I gota say that you are on

I gota say that you are on top of it. I think it will be unlocking here soon since it is almost midnight... looking forward to it. Thanks.

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 08 Nov 2011, 08:16 ]
Post subject:  Nice work on your Fixer,

Nice work on your Fixer, dopefish, your relentless hard work on it is amazing to say the least. 8)

Author:  Tequila628 [ 08 Nov 2011, 09:16 ]
Post subject:  First of all, thanx dopefish

First of all, thanx dopefish for your amazing work, used this fixer in bf2 back then, was great. And the fact that you keep doing what you doing since 2007 is incredible.

Hello everybody, even tho Im not nv surround or eyefinity like lots of you guys but been playing on 1680x1050 got used to fov 90 in bc2 (was awesome)
and liked fov 85 in cod4. Now playing Battlefield 3 and its fov 90 doesn't look like 90 from bc2, Im seeking the way to increase it, in beta you could increase it up to 99 using HEX editor on 'PROF_SAVE_body' file
any words about bf3 fov? much appreciated.

Also just came out of mw3 mp, gotta say guys, default fov is terrible, near impossible to play, kinda like stucking in all doorways and getting headaches. It's awful.

But I have a good news, the game do not changed at all, not only gameplay/content wise but also the game file/menu structure stayed the same, so there won't be any problems to make a fov fix for mw3 just like it was for mw2.
Really looking forward to it.

Also be prepared for mw3 awful graphics, hundred percent the same as mw2, but looking really bad after 2+ years.

What were they even thinking releasing a PC game without fov adjustment? mw3 do not deserve your 60$ in my honest opinion, nothing there that you couldn't find in mw2 but a huge disappointment if you are high tech hardware maniac PC user.

P.S. Sorry for my English :)

Author:  Sh4dowking [ 08 Nov 2011, 09:50 ]
Post subject:  mw3

Dopefish here is a screenshot of modern warfare 3 for now on 2 screens (crosshair is not in the middle btw because one screen is 1920 and other 1680:P) with softth with a res of 3600x1080 i hope you can fix this because i use your widescreenfixer for all the call of duty versions and i love your work:D

click here for screenshot

Author:  thales100 [ 08 Nov 2011, 10:45 ]
Post subject:  Stay tuned on WSGF ppl,

Stay tuned on WSGF ppl, dopefish will come with a MW3 solution soon after game unlocks for him, in some hours, cheers. :cheers

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