Widescreen Gaming Forum

Multi-Game Widescreen Fixer
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Author:  De La NoChe [ 08 Nov 2011, 23:01 ]

Is the fixer working for Multi-Player properly? I dont want to purchase the game until the fix is working fine for MP. If anyone has been able to play multiplayer with a 3x1 setup please post some screenshots up for us to see :)

Author:  dopefish [ 08 Nov 2011, 23:33 ]
Post subject:  I can't release it just yet.

I can't release it just yet. It's built on top of a newer version of Widescreen Fixer that is fairly different from the current versions. Until I finish up the new version, which I'm actively working on, it will have to wait for release.

As for the MP FoV fix, I don't need anyone to test it. I can guarantee that it triggers a violation. I will try to find a better solution that works safely with MP.

Author:  dopefish [ 09 Nov 2011, 00:48 ]
Post subject:  Here's a preview of

Here's a preview of v3.0.

Some plugins will shrink in size and others will grow.

Basically I'm removing separate DLLs for SP and MP and combining them into a single plugin.

I'm removing all of the duplicate functions in each plugin (they were only duplicates to show off the control you had).

Each plugin will now have its own configuration interface to do what you like with it. This will allow me to expand on support and features for each game.

Greater control over HUD placement in CoD games. Right now it lets you only adjust the left side and it will automatically adjust the right side to match. However, I may let both left and right sides be set by the user.

Note that this version still uses .Net framework 3.5, but will require 4.0 when I finish it. It is also probably a week or two away depending on how much free time I have.

Author:  thales100 [ 09 Nov 2011, 10:34 ]
Post subject:  dopefish wrote:Here's a

Here's a preview of v3.0.

Wow thats great ! 8)

Author:  Highstrike [ 09 Nov 2011, 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Yes but will it fix mw3

Yes but will it fix mw3 locked fov ? because right now the view is getting squashed if i try and add more FOV to it (by putting a custom ratio, because the 1x16:9 doesn't do anything)

I'm playing on a single monitor @ 1920x1080

I don't understand what kind of fix this is, risking a vac ban and its not even proper.

Author:  HaYDeN [ 09 Nov 2011, 11:23 ]
Post subject:  I haven't tried it (don't

I haven't tried it (don't have the game) but as I understand it, its a aspect ratio/HUD fix only? not a FOV fix - that's something that I believe Dopefish said may come later.

It's the FOV Fix that is dangerous with respect to VAC/anticheat, altho any change to a VAC title is unknown because it can take a month to get banned for it and it depends what they happen to scan for consistency.

Author:  thales100 [ 09 Nov 2011, 11:35 ]
Post subject:  Highstrike wrote:I don't

I don't understand what kind of fix this is, risking a vac ban and its not even proper.

This is a multi-monitor fix, it fixes the AR and also menus and HUD when running MW3 at multi-monitor resolutions.

Author:  Highstrike [ 09 Nov 2011, 13:38 ]
Post subject:  thales100 wrote:Highstrike

[quote]I don't understand what kind of fix this is, risking a vac ban and its not even proper.

This is a multi-monitor fix, it fixes the AR and also menus and HUD when running MW3 at multi-monitor resolutions.

Yes but you still have that shitty FOV even if you're playing on 3 monitors. Oh well, gonna play more bf3 until someone figures out how to do the FOV thing or maybe those assholes at IW and sledgehammer will throw us a patch, this is ridiculous but i cant play the way it currently is, spending 60 euros for a shitty game that makes me dizzy, FML.

Author:  Daemos1130 [ 09 Nov 2011, 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Frame rate slows when fix is enabled

Hello, I am running Cod MW3 on Steam and I downloaded the Widescreen Fixer to use on my 3-16:9 setup. I've set the image quality to "native" and it ran great until I restarted the game. Now when I enable the fix the frame rate is horribly slow even in the menu screens. What did I do wrong??

Author:  gromit69 [ 09 Nov 2011, 17:56 ]
Post subject:  Sup Mr.Dopefish, first off

Sup Mr.Dopefish, first off great tool and great work i have used it in several singleplayer games to great effect.

I have one request if it is at all possible, would it be possible to to add in a feature to not only do the horizintal but the vertical aswell in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and 3 best way to illistrate this would be to show you the FOV and Aspect of the Steam version and then the AlterIWnet version, i would like the Steam version to replicate the AlterIWnet version as the standard FOV gives me motion sickness, also could you add in a feature to make it idiot proof for example a slider for the horizintal and vertical for those of us who are a bit thick :).

I've added the pictures as attachements.

Attached files

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