I would suggest changing the defaults for 16:10 in mind. I think that's what most people would be interested in. Maybe make the default new res 1920x1200, and the default number of monitors 1x1.
I had considered this, yet I wanted to try show by example that it would support multi monitor, and there are a good number of us also with tri screen now, and likely more to follow soon.
Also, I'm not sure what purpose the "new vFOV" output serves. The calc is only useful in games that expose the hFOV.
Essentially this..
hi delph, nice calculator. Could u also include a vertical FOV calculator for this for games like BFBC2 which require VFOV to be entered in the ini? Thanks
from link
But I've noticed that it seems to be entirely dependent on the default hFOV and aspect ratio. Which makes sense, since we want the vFOV to remain constant (unchanged from the default). But the words "(calculated using new hFOV value)" don't seem to be true, since changing the new aspect ratio changes the new hFOV, but not the new vFOV.
You know I spent some time thinking about this to my self before, here is what I concluded...
Using the formula you provided above for the hFOV and the formula below for vFOV used also by
rjdown's BFBC2 vFOV calc.
If we wish to work out our vFOV, then just like in rjdown's calc we would enter a desired hFOV, now when we run in widescreen, we no longer tend to use 90degrees hFOV but ideally around 100degrees hFOV for 16:10 to 106degrees hFOV for 16:9.
As such, when working out the vFOV from a hFOV we use the new hFOV values, as this is effectively our desired hFOV which the calc will then work out what vFOV value is required.