Widescreen Gaming Forum

Flawless Widescreen
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Author:  Hamet [ 10 Aug 2011, 03:00 ]
Post subject:  Flawless Widescreen

Hey. I went to the flawlesswidescreen.org website. It appeared to be down. Does anyone know if Hayden stopped doing community stuff or if it's just down for maintenance? To Hayden and everyone out there who helps out with mods and hacks. Big thanks!!

Author:  jjensson [ 18 Oct 2011, 06:31 ]
Post subject:  Yeah, i would like to

Yeah, i would like to download the latest version too. I couldn't play The Witcher 2 through, because of the zoomed-in FOV. Now with the FOV fix i could finally play that game! Can anyone from the forum here upload it for the newcomers, please?

Author:  thales100 [ 18 Oct 2011, 11:33 ]
Post subject:  jjensson wrote:Yeah, i would

HaYDeN has stopped updating his tool, due to some r/l issues (lack of free time to work on it), i contacted him some days ago and he told me he may come back in the future and update it.
You can find an older version of flawlessws v.1.0.12 here, but itll not work on the latest version of TW2 afaik.

Author:  atf300 [ 05 Nov 2011, 16:03 ]
Post subject:  so basically there is no way

so basically there is no way to play the last version of witcher 2 (patch 2.0) on eyefinity. lovely

Author:  jjensson [ 07 Nov 2011, 06:13 ]
Post subject:  Well, if enough people write

Well, if enough people write a short 2min email to the developers and complain about it, i'm shure they will listen. I've done it already, now it's YOUR turn. [pointing with the finger]

Author:  atf300 [ 07 Nov 2011, 14:41 ]
Post subject:  the witcher developer had a

the witcher developer had a chance to fix it, they don't want to, they had a chance to improve it with version 2.0 but no . i presume its nvidia's involvement or just plain ignorance.

the irony is , that version 2 of witcher 2 probably is the last version , so a tool could be written/updated , but the game isn't that top anymore.

shame shame on the developer.

Author:  connell [ 08 Nov 2014, 01:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Flawless Widescreen

Any news on this? I understand if Hayden doesn't have the time to update the tool, but since the site is down the update server is down as well and you can no longer download the plugins, making flawless widescreen unusable. It has become a necessary tool for me and I'm sure many others here with surround/eyefinity. I'd really like to be able to use the plugins that are already available, but since it tries to connect to the server to get each plugin it doesn't work at all! When I first opened the program after the server went down I didn't realize what was happening and I thought it was a problem with my install of FWS so I unstalled it hoping to re-install. Then I saw that the site was down, so I was able to get the installer from another user, but now I have no plugins and FWS is basically unusable!

It sucks the game developers don't want to support multi-monitor gaming, but flawless widescreen was the only way I was able to play many of my favorite games. Hayden can you please at least give us a way to download the existing plugins? I need a bunch of the plugins you already have and not to mention I just bought Shodow of Mordor and can't even play it :(

If this is a matter of money, I'd be more than happy to pay for this wonderful tool and your time to support these games. If you read this Hayden, maybe consider making this a paid application or even a subscription, I know I'd pay in a heartbeat, and I'm sure others here would too. It just sucks to have spent thousands of dollars on a surround + 3 way SLI setup and not be able to use it. Flawless widescreen is the only way I could enjoy it! Thanks again for everything. I really hope you consider bringing it back!

Author:  skipclarke [ 08 Nov 2014, 16:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Flawless Widescreen

Update here:

http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.ph ... 99#p154499

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