I'm very much a car fan, drive a nice Nissan Skyline GTR in fact, I would like to know what good car games are available on the PC these days. Also, is it possible to get a steering wheel, manual transmission gearstick and pedals to use for car games? I know for the Sony PS2, they only have pedals and steering wheel but no manual transmission. Or maybe there isn't such a thing.
Good driving games? Hm. Colin McRae 5 (or whatever it is?) Need for Speed Underground 1/2?
My favourite is still Driver, but that's years old now. :D
I also like shoot them up games like the old Tie Fighter, anything similar to that as well?
Space Combat sims? FreeSpace 1/2 (old, but still fantastic) Freelancer, StarLancer, Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos, X-Wing: Alliance...
Yager isn't bad, but I never really got into it all that much, and it isn't technically a space combat game.
The lack of good space games recently is kinda depressing... ;)