[quote]Does your FOV not get cut down like in the screenshots above ?
I guess it does but I didnt notice it until I compared the above screenies.I dont think it takes away from the game.Also did notice it in the "mobface"portion but thats it..Its definetely better than no ws support at all.
Strangely, the biggest irony of all this: If you look through the 'extras' disc of the Godfather Collection DVD box set, they mention that The Godfather (the original 1972 film) was actually filmed in a 4:3 aspect ratio, but each scene was aligned so that it would look nearly ideal either in theaters (widescreen) or on TV. I don't remember for sure, but I think they even said something about when the films were shown on TV (at least early on), that they were shown as originally filmed, rather than taking the widescreen version, and 'pan-and-scanning' that. So essentially, the widescreen version of the original film is done in a sort of...vertical pan-and-scan...if that makes any sense...