Hello Enygma ...
UT2004 is supposed to support widescreen out of the box. Now if say it is set to the default 90 degrees on both a 4:3 monitor and a 16:10 monitor, why would it still not inherently give you a wider view on the 1680 setup?
Here is how I see it ...
Just because a game is supported OOTB doesn't meant to say that the FOV and resolution are inherently linked ... even if they should be (IMHO)
Some games do have this inherent link between FOV and resolution ... HL2 for instance.
Some like UT2004 give the user a choice ... see below.
Some games manufacturers consider a wider FOV for widescreens as cheating as widescreens users could then seem more compared to 4x3 users ... Battlefield 2 for instance .. and so it is not considered to have widescreen support.
UT2004 does support widescreen OOTB ... but they have approached this problem differently giving everyone the same FOV variation no matter what screen you have.
If the user sets up a FOV that is too wide or too small for there screen be it 4x3 or a widescreen then there game-play experience will look and feel wrong.
The user can
choose the FOV that best suits their screen (or there preference) be it 4x3 or a widecreen ... from
within the game ...
In the game go to ...
Settings ...
Player ... on the right hand side you will see there is a way to vary the FOV ...
Default FOV ... set it here to 100
Now the game will play look and feel right for your widescreen resolution.
You can have it at 90 if you want but it will look and feel wrong for your widescreen ... just as a FOV of 100 will look and feel wrong for a 4x3 screen.
This also gives the user a choice ... some people like a slightly wider FOV ... some like it a bit narrower than the default ... whether they are using a 4x3 screen or a widescreen.
So they might choose a FOV of 95.
That said ... 90 looks and feels about right at 4x3 ... 100 looks and feels about right for 16:10
So yes ...
For if not, then a 4:3 person would have widescreen just as much by just changing the default to 100 as well, correct??
... but it would look and feel wrong for them.
The user.ini hack/editing gives you the ability to change the FOV even further beyond what you can set it to within the game ... but as I say it is about what looks and feels right when you actually play the game.
I say ... good on UT2004/EPIC for giving us choice .... 8)
I hope this helps ... :D