Far Cry 2 needs some serious widescreen support, incase none of you knew this is what happens when you set ForceWidescreen="1" from your GameProfile.xml in "X":Documents and Settings"username"My DocumentsMy GamesFar Cry 2
You get the black bars.
That option gives you the developers intended 16:9 view, with black bars to fill in the extra vertical resolution on your 16:10 monitor.
[quote]... and it should get taller when you go to a narrower aspect ratio.The screens get wider or narrower ... the height doesn't change so the vertical FOV shouldn't change.
Which is why I posted this to explain ...
The narrower aspect ratios are no taller ... so their vertical FOV does not change.
And as I explained, if you do make a game for 16:9 and then make narrower FOVs narrower instead of taller, then you wind up cutting out the sides of the intended view, potentially leaving 4:3 users and such missing important visual information.
With that said, would you agree that the current widescreen implementation of FC2 on the PC is severely lacking? I don't have the game, but the horizontal FOV shown in the screenshots is definitely 'cramped', IMO.
It certainly is, but as I've mentioned, the same goes for the vast majorty of other console centric games which came before it.
Given that widescreen displays are rapidly taking over the PC and TV markets, I think games should cater to widescreen first: expand the horizontal FOV (90-100 degrees is nice), maintain a consistent vertical FOV across all platforms, and letterbox the output on 4:3 or 5:4 displays. This is exactly how wide-AR TV shows and films are displayed on 4:3 screens.
Letterboxing is an option, and avalable in FC2 as DD's screenshot shows. However, real time rendering allows those black bars to be filled in with imagery, much like some movies are filmed foropen matte. I think that is a better option for games; why use black bars when you can fill the screen with something worth looking at?
And of course, horizontal FOV should play nice with Triplehead.
Yeah, a lot of developers shamefully overlook the few that venture any wider than 16:9.