Joined: 12 Dec 2005, 21:10 Posts: 1
I figured this baby out (OK i had help from a friend).
If you can handle Hex in the Windows Calc its easy to calculate any resolution.
If you want for example 1360x768:
1360 = 550 in Hexadecimal
768 = 300 in Hexadecimal
then reverse it and put a 0 in between as a spacer. You get
3000550 in Hexadecimal.
now convert back to Decimal and you got
50332928 for 1360x768 resolution in Ubersoldier.
1280x720 = 500 0 2D0 (Hex)
reverse 2D00500 (Hex) = 47187200 (Dec)
and so on.
Just check the ingame system menu it displayed 1280x720 in my case.
Have fun