[quote]The only thing that is windowboxed is the intro FMV movie.
Right! The Actvision, Raven, Marvel and all intro movies are 4:3. I can see black bars only at the SIDES of the screen. And on the MARVEL intro movie, there are black bars at the sides AND top and bottom too.
Can you confirm?
Correct, but I don't count these. These are "standard" across all their titles, and IMHO aren't really part of the "game."
[quote]The rest of the in-game movies are Hor+.
I disagree. As I have finished the game using my old 4:3 monitor, when I enter CINEMATICS option menu, and select any movie, it appears with black bars in all 4 sides of my monitor (it is a 16:10 one). I don't get full screen 16:10 movie :(
Did you do anything special to get full widescreen cinematics?
Maybe I didn't get far enough in the game, but every "in game" scene I found that went off during a mission used the game engine and was Hor+. These usually have dialogue options. I have a screen.
Is what you're talking about more pre-rendered FMVs?
[quote]The ones "in mission" are Hor+ and fill the screen. The mission briefing movie is Hor +, but it is still letterboxed.
The movie in 4:3 resolution is letterboxed to 16:10/9. The widescreen ones are letterboxed but continue to increase the FOV. Seems like the FOV would be approaching the surround levels of 3.75:1, or so.
These parts I didn't get... what movies are you talking about?!
I was talking about the mission briefings.
Conclusions I can tell you:
Intro movies: 4:3 with black bars at the sides
In game cinematics: black bars at the sides, top and bottom of the screen :cry: . These should be FULL WIDESCREEN, but I don't know why they aren't.
Mission movies: letterboxed Hor+
The game itself: Hor+