Widescreen Gaming Forum

L.A. Noire. Any chance for a fix?
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Author:  rbuljo [ 14 Nov 2011, 15:04 ]
Post subject:  started yesterday playing

started yesterday playing this, only with one screen though.. cinda sucks when i know how good it is to play multi monitor.. game feels really good.. cant wait to get it widescreen..:)

Author:  thales100 [ 14 Nov 2011, 15:11 ]
Post subject:  You can check this thread and

You can check this thread and also the game's Detailed Report, under Multi-Monitor Specific Solution, as soon as we have a multi-monitor solution we will post.

Author:  Rockanomics [ 14 Nov 2011, 17:11 ]
Post subject:  Is there a fix for the

Is there a fix for the letterboxing? If your already working on it I apologize.

Author:  thales100 [ 14 Nov 2011, 17:16 ]
Post subject:  The black bars on 16:10 ? Are

The black bars on 16:10 ? Are you interested in a fix for this ?

Author:  dopefish [ 14 Nov 2011, 19:27 ]
Post subject:  I've managed to fix the FOV

I've managed to fix the FOV for surround.

There are some outstanding issues that need addressed before I can release a fix:
* Minimap background will disappear
* Map does not work
* Some menus still are vert-
* Quitting to the main menu with the fix enabled will cause the game to freeze
* Enabling the fix before you reach the main menu will cause the game to freeze
* Remove black bars in non-surround aspect-ratios

Here is a link to download an experimental version:

Take note of the issues above before using it.

Since I'm still working on the new version of Widescreen Fixer, there is no slider for FOV adjustment yet.
Instead, the aspect-ratio drop-down box will control the FOV.
It goes by increments of 10 starting at 1.25.

Author:  conan48 [ 15 Nov 2011, 06:15 ]
Post subject:  How do you use Wide Screen

How do you use Wide Screen fixer.

I can't get it to do anything. I have the program and the file. I get LA Noir in the drop down box and what settings do I use from there? The first drop down box on main I put custom and put my resolution as 6080 x 1080. Bezel adjusted resolution for my 3 1920 x 1080p monitors.

On Fov calculator I put source as 1 16:9 and destination as 3 16:9

It says enter the source FOV and press the button. What is this for exactly? pushing the button doesn't do anything. I set the hotkey but when I use it in the game nothing happens, but if I alt tab it says the fix is running.

Sorry for the noob questions but I never used this program before.


Author:  Rockanomics [ 15 Nov 2011, 09:36 ]
Post subject:  thales100 wrote:The black

The black bars on 16:10 ? Are you interested in a fix for this ?

Absolutely. I've been checking this thread a couple times a day since I stopped playing and started praying to the WSGF gods.

Author:  thales100 [ 15 Nov 2011, 19:07 ]
Post subject:  Rockanomics wrote:thales100

I've managed to fix the FOV for surround.

There are some outstanding issues that need addressed before I can release a fix:

Great job, cant wait for the final version :twothumb . Unfortunately yesterday's update on Steam broke the wip fix.

[quote]The black bars on 16:10 ? Are you interested in a fix for this ?

Absolutely. I've been checking this thread a couple times a day since I stopped playing and started praying to the WSGF gods.

Lol lets see what dopefish can do about it.

How do you use Wide Screen fixer.

I can't get it to do anything. I have the program and the file. I get LA Noir in the drop down box and what settings do I use from there?

Run widescreen fixer, select the game L.A. Noire, the aspect ratio (3 x 16:9), run the game and press ; to activate the fix.
Unfortunately yesterday's update on Steam broke the fix, we will need to wait a bit till dopefish updates the wip tool, or release the final version that should fix also the map and other stuff, please keep checking WSGF.

Author:  dopefish [ 17 Nov 2011, 04:17 ]
Post subject:  I've released a new plugin

I've released a new plugin that eliminates a lot of the issues the old one has, plus it works with the latest version on Steam.

The black bars still persist for non-surround aspect-ratios.

The minimap and map now show correctly, and quitting to the main menu no longer freezes the game.

It's now on the main page of Widescreen Fixer and included with the full package.

Test it out and let me know how it works for you.


Author:  conan48 [ 17 Nov 2011, 07:56 ]
Post subject:  Thanks for the hard work but

Thanks for the hard work but I still can't get this to work.

I selected the game from the drop down list and selected 3 x 16:9 for my 3 24" acers and when I hit the hotkey nothing happens.

I alt tab and it says the fix is running but the game is unrecognized?

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