Widescreen Gaming Forum

Skyrim Multi-Monitor User Interface Fix Discussion
Page 11 of 302

Author:  CILLER [ 11 Nov 2011, 14:51 ]
Post subject:  Hmm I have played for about

Hmm I have played for about an hour now. I really hate the menu's this way. To bad.
I am already really in love with this game but it is unplayable in triple screen. Performance is great tho. Single screen I can play easily on ultra with a single HD5850
On triple I have to lower the viewing distance and disable AA to have good performance but that is fine for me.

I am really hoping somebody can come up with a fix for the menu's soon. I want to play this game!

Author:  avatar382 [ 11 Nov 2011, 15:10 ]
Post subject:  I'm playing on a Matrox

I'm playing on a Matrox TripleHead2Go @ 3072x768, medium detail. (Q6600, single 8800GT) Performance is pretty good, but the Vert+ menu stretching makes full screen triple head unplayable.

Right now, I've got the game running in windowed mode, at a resolution of 1900x1000. Right when the game launches, I can ALT-TAB and center the window on the center display. In this mode, I can juuust see the bottom of the UI, where the item stats are shown. Overall, this mode is way better than full screen 1280x1024.

I'm antsy for a real fix!

Author:  SuspendingBJ [ 11 Nov 2011, 15:17 ]
Post subject:  *sigh*

So Im running on ASUS Maximus Extreme board, 2x ATI HD6870 on Crossfire, and Intel i-2500k. Also Running 3 22" Wide LCD's at 5040x1050 Resolution

Pulled up launcher. Auto detect gave me the most awesome thign ever. Autoset to High while running 8x AA and 8x AF. Launched in game and started to get really stoked. Then I saw the menu :(. Hopefully someone extremely awesome in the community of avid TES fans comes up with something soon. I have faith. Outside of the Menu issue. This game was running BEAUTIFULLY for me. No issues whatsoever outside of Menu on eyefinity being out of wack.

I did adjust FOV through the console in game by typing FOV 105 which i adjust to get the view I wanted it but it did nothing to help the menu issue.

The tiring part of this thats in the background is WHY are manufacturers making for consoles and then Porting to PC lately. This approach has caused all sorts of problems with eyefinity and just general other problems. The last 3 games ive had (not counting skyrim) required massive tweaks and control tweaks especially to get working comfortably. What happened to Building for PC and scaling down like they seemingly did for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Also why is eyefinity sucha problem. Technology has been out for a good while now and for a company so much into the "immersive experience" how can the menu adjustment for the 3 monitor immersive technology get lost in the shuffle? In the end, im not knocking the game for it as its amazingly beatiful and the gameplay i had on single monitor for the 2 hours i played last night was awesome. Im just annoyed that as of lately, almost every game ive gotten has had problems with it. Ive had eyefinity for a year now and when I first got it, companies were releasing games that had no problems with it. Everygame i was playing worked beautifully on eyefinity. I feel like its going backwards here. that should be the other way around.

Anyways enough of the rant. Im just hoping one you coding geniuses out there can help all us fellow gamers out. I have a half day at work and can only hope something is figured out by the time i get off of work.

Author:  Reprobator [ 11 Nov 2011, 15:19 ]
Post subject:  May akatosh provide a fix!

May akatosh provide a fix!

Author:  CILLER [ 11 Nov 2011, 15:39 ]
Post subject:  SuspendingBJ wrote:Im just

Im just annoyed that as of lately, almost every game ive gotten has had problems with it. Ive had eyefinity for a year now and when I first got it, companies were releasing games that had no problems with it. Everygame i was playing worked beautifully on eyefinity. I feel like its going backwards here. that should be the other way around.

I got the exact same feeling.
I have got eyefinity now since the HD5xxx series and back then allmost every game supported it. Some had a non centered HUD but that was the only problem I had.

I was hoping it would get better now that both nVidia and AMD deliver a triple screen solution. So far nothing improved.

I really hope this game will be fixed soon. I am having a constant inner conflict until then:

"wait for a fix, the game will be much more immersive."
"Play a little bit more, it works and I want to play it."

Author:  Hamet [ 11 Nov 2011, 16:18 ]
Post subject:  Update on Crossfire CAP for Skyrim

CatalystCreator Andrew D
We're working on a CAP update for Skyrim; as soon as an ETA is known I'll let you guys know
17 hours ago


Author:  Pittyh [ 11 Nov 2011, 16:21 ]
Post subject:  not going to fix the in game

not going to fix the in game menus though is it ?


Author:  cinoaz [ 11 Nov 2011, 16:25 ]
Post subject:  Just seeing if this works

Just seeing if this works

Author:  Dredknot [ 11 Nov 2011, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  25$ to who ever can figure

25$ to who ever can figure out a fix for the menu stretching. I love the game so far, by far the best elder scrolls yet to me, but the lack of ANY SLI profile that's worth a crap and messed up menus makes my Beastly computer very sad. I hate disabling 1200$ in video cards just to play the game. Its pretty depressing

Evga x58 ftw3
i7 960 4.2ghz
3 gtx 580's 3gbs Tri sli
3 23' led monitors nvidia surround
8 gigs 1600 ram

Author:  H8Cr1me [ 11 Nov 2011, 16:51 ]
Post subject:  $20 REWARD FOR MENU FIX

I'll throw down $20 for a proper solution to the menus.

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