Widescreen Gaming Forum

Skyrim Multi-Monitor User Interface Fix Discussion
Page 178 of 302

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 14 Dec 2011, 10:06 ]
Post subject:  JaggedJackal wrote:Thanks,

Thanks, That seemed to be the issue.

I am having some strange stretching on my side monitors though, plus everything seems a lot closer than they really are on them. I have noticed this on some other games but not this bad. is that a simple FOV tweak of something more?

This is very normal for games in surround, unfortunately. Games are coded slightly differently so it appears worse in some games than others. You can play with FOV to minimise it.

LAA + HaYDeN's .9 patches are still not working for me. Found a 'log' file from the 4gb patch in my 'documents/my games/skyrim' folder that was entirely unhelpful.

Also, I was running 11.12 when it wasn't working (I hadn't tried LAA on 11.11). Updated to 12.1 Preview, same issues of not working.

Bummer, I can't work out why. Does the game run by itself with no patch or mod? Are you running the LAA patch in the folder with its other filesand not in the skyrim folder? The original exe is still available in the original folder?

I would try validating the game cache in steam, if this doesn't work, I don't know. Maybe a re-install. :(

Author:  wt73 [ 14 Dec 2011, 15:08 ]
Post subject:  Exodus wrote:wt73 wrote:Broke

[quote]Broke down and finally connected to Steam and updated. Now I CTD every time I get an achievement.
Not looking for version 11 or a fix, just voicing continued frustration with this whole experience. Looks amazing while working, though.
Also, does the v.9 fix interfere with the console commands? I have a few that jsut won't work, and I've re-installed and tried a few 'fixes' and a few commands just won't work. I target the desired object, etc and no bueno

If you are talking about console commands you are trying to use on NPC's there is a known issue where clicking on the target doesn't bring up the correct targets ID code. There are a few workarounds in the few pages before this but make sure that you are gettting the target ID that you actually want to be using the console command on. Other than that I dont' think any console commands are broken that I know of with .9.

|I beg to differ, sir. I have clicked on target as well as manually entering target ID. Just because you don't have an issue does not mean one does not exist.

Author:  ChainMale [ 14 Dec 2011, 15:39 ]
Post subject:  wt73 wrote:Also, does the

Also, does the v.9 fix interfere with the console commands? I have a few that jsut won't work, and I've re-installed and tried a few 'fixes' and a few commands just won't work. I target the desired object, etc and no bueno

]-[iya wt73..

..starting back about page 171 of these messages I mentioned are larger version.

When the console is UP the interface is all on CENTER screen ..what is 'sees' is on the LEFT monitor.

So... If you want to "click on an item" _center_ it on the LEFT screen but click on the _center_ of the CENTER monitor.

Ya its wacked.. but fun.

(could I explian that better?)

Author:  fortismilites [ 14 Dec 2011, 18:36 ]
Post subject:  c69 wrote:fortismilites

[quote]Everytime I click the inject patchs on Haydenss, I run the game, and it crashes. Wont even load the menu. im running a stock version of 1.2 skyrim, AND drivers are 11.11, Single 5870, resoulution is 5760x1080, Win 7 64-bit. Any ideas?


p.s. I have haydens fix set to run as admin too.

The the 11.11c drivers, and the 0.8 version.

I apologize for it took take me so long to respond.

I have 11.11c drivers. Any executable fix for skyrim does not work at all on my computer, it just crashes the games, however the CT table fixes worked flawlessly. Is there a way to get that program in a CT table?

Author:  deaddis [ 14 Dec 2011, 19:48 ]
Post subject:  My face

My face when 11.12 or 12.1 preview didn't fix crossfire

Author:  wt73 [ 14 Dec 2011, 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Ive clicked all over all

Ive clicked all over all three and tried numerous times as well as manually entering the ID of intended target. TY for suggestion.
I know the commands are being entered properly - I use them at work and they work fine. Great forum, great help, and I'm not pointing fingers at anyone.
It's just not that much fun anymore. CTD on achievements, patching every other day, etc. Looks great though while it runs: http://www.mediafire.com/?4nl8p9fbegceb
I know there is a section for screenshots, but- :รพ

Author:  takaides [ 15 Dec 2011, 02:51 ]
Post subject:  AussieTimmeh wrote:takaides

[quote]LAA + HaYDeN's .9 patches are still not working for me. Found a 'log' file from the 4gb patch in my 'documents/my games/skyrim' folder that was entirely unhelpful.

Also, I was running 11.12 when it wasn't working (I hadn't tried LAA on 11.11). Updated to 12.1 Preview, same issues of not working.

Bummer, I can't work out why. Does the game run by itself with no patch or mod? Are you running the LAA patch in the folder with its other filesand not in the skyrim folder? The original exe is still available in the original folder?

I would try validating the game cache in steam, if this doesn't work, I don't know. Maybe a re-install. :(
No, that's the odd thing. It works just fine if I run LAA OR HaYDeN's .9 patch. I just can't run them together. I do appreciate the help, even though it hasn't fixed my issues, hopefully it's helped someone else's.

Edit: And cache has been validated a few times now.

I've gotten more than 90 hours logged in the game (Steam says 109 hours, but I've lost so many given my habit of not saving very frequently), but most of that has been on 1 screen instead of on all three. Leaves me a bit bummed that it didn't just work out of the gate...

Author:  Baer [ 15 Dec 2011, 05:58 ]
Post subject:  Bethesda is supposed to

Bethesda is supposed to release their LAA patch any time now. Want to bet that it breaks our surround setups again? ;)

Author:  wt73 [ 15 Dec 2011, 06:35 ]
Post subject:  Baer wrote:Bethesda is

Bethesda is supposed to release their LAA patch any time now. Want to bet that it breaks our surround setups again? ;)

Is 9 working for you? Every time I fast travel or get an achievement I CTD. So frustrated. I went a while (until two days ago) lurking here and not connecting to Steam and playing with 4b error-free. I saw here that maybe the coast was clear and started using 9 and updated. BIG mistake. I have read every page up to this point and need to ask - am I missing something? Using ver.9 and latest Scream updates.

Author:  HaYDeN [ 15 Dec 2011, 07:50 ]
Post subject:  wt73 wrote:Baer

[quote]Bethesda is supposed to release their LAA patch any time now. Want to bet that it breaks our surround setups again? ;)

Is 9 working for you? Every time I fast travel or get an achievement I CTD. So frustrated. I went a while (until two days ago) lurking here and not connecting to Steam and playing with 4b error-free. I saw here that maybe the coast was clear and started using 9 and updated. BIG mistake. I have read every page up to this point and need to ask - am I missing something? Using ver.9 and latest Scream updates.

Please state ALL details regarding your setup...

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