Widescreen Gaming Forum

Far Cry 2
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Author:  Nifty [ 29 Oct 2008, 01:33 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

Thank you numptyboy, disabling DEP for FC2 has allowed me to use racers FOV. I can now play in widescreen its a miracle...stinkin vistas security features!

To confirm that disabling DEP for Far Cry 2 lets me use racers FOV.

Nightravens V2 also works a treat. :D

Author:  Downtown1 [ 29 Oct 2008, 03:03 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

I've always wondered, how do you guys make these FOV/UI fixes? Do you just disassemble the EXE and search for the 'fov' string or something like that? Seems pretty hard to me.

Anyhow, keep up the good work!

Author:  gaspah [ 30 Oct 2008, 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

hey... how do i get this going @ 1366x768... my little brother plays it at my mums house on their 50" plasma and it just looks garbage upscaled from 720p.. whereas crysis looks flawless @ 1366x768 :cry:

Author:  Mr. Vage [ 01 Nov 2008, 00:32 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

Can we please have a motion blur fix? The blurring on this game kills my eyes. I can't run at all unless I feel like torturing myself.

I want to be able to play this game without getting a massive headache!

Author:  Abram [ 01 Nov 2008, 01:19 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

Can we please have a motion blur fix? The blurring on this game kills my eyes. I can't run at all unless I feel like torturing myself.

I want to be able to play this game without getting a massive headache!

Lowering the "Post" effects in display options should lessen it.. but it'll also lower/disable other effects such as heat distortion and maybew some smoke effects. Try it and see.

Personally i like the bur effects. It's nice when using ironsights and I don't find it a bother when stamina is low.. those are the only times i ever see it. (Running DX9, it may make a difference for blur)

Once again, Ubi cheesed out by not having a plethora of console commands for us.

Author:  Andrew_McP [ 02 Nov 2008, 14:24 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

Just wanted to say thanks for the fix, that's all. Now at least I get get highly annoyed by the malaria in the correct aspect ratio. :-)

Andrew McP

Author:  hurrican [ 02 Nov 2008, 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

Hello.... Does this hack (v.3) work with Vista 64bit... Because on my PC no... When i dont use hack... screen (in the game) looks good but it not work in full screen..but only with black strip up and down on the screen... When i use Hack (1.31 --- 1.253 16:10) and turn it on... (*) Windows is smaller ... (black strips are bigger) I don't know why..because in win XP works Perfect (but there ist also in default on full screen) So how can it work with Vista 64b..Please ( i have Geforce x280) Thanks

Without HAck

With Hack (1.31 --- 1.253 16:10)

Author:  AdamK47 [ 02 Nov 2008, 23:19 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

sorry, it seems like i missed some dynamic memory allocation :(

never noticed since for me it didn't change.
Can someone please give v2 a try then and let me know it that works:


This utility works much better than version 1. One enhancement I'd like to mention would be to have the utility automatically apply the changes and exit once it detects the Far Cry 2 window. That would be a nice option for people who know what settings they want to play with and no longer need the utility process running in the background. I created a Windows vbs script that automatically starts this utility, starts FC2, and kills the utility process after 30 seconds when I know FC2 will be running.

Author:  wilbur.walsh [ 05 Nov 2008, 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry Pacth FOV-Fix doesn't work anymore


So there's a new 1.01 FarCry Patch out. Sadly, this renders de FOV-Fix useless. :(

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 05 Nov 2008, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2

Thankfully most of the fixes are MP related and I am only SP on this so not a huge snag for me :)

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