Widescreen Gaming Forum

God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request
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Author:  Leonidassu [ 10 Feb 2019, 05:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

Gunnest663 wrote:
Leonidassu wrote:
Gunnest663 wrote:
This seems to just stretch my game to 2560x1080 and doesn't make it ultrawide :(, here's a screenshot from my game which i compared to yours.


It only strect the main menu and the hud, but the whole game is fine

Still stretches the game i'm afraid


You're right :/
Are you settings the game resolution to 2560x1080 from the graphics settings?
Its working fine for me and I'm using my trainer so its weird :/

Author:  Gunnest663 [ 10 Feb 2019, 05:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

Leonidassu wrote:
You're right :/
Are you settings the game resolution to 2560x1080 from the graphics settings?
Its working fine for me and I'm using my trainer so its weird :/

I've tried both 2560x1080 and 1920x1080 but the results are the same. I don't have any clue on why mine is doing.

Author:  Gunnest663 [ 10 Feb 2019, 08:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

I loaded into the game with CE open, The pointer value went from ?? to 1.006132297E-42 and changing it does nothing. Restarting the game and loading my save again changes that value to something new. Idk whats going on but i really want to get ultra-wide working :(

Author:  Visage [ 10 Feb 2019, 10:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

So I also had this problem with only stretching, Gunnest663, but after I actually loaded into the game(lobby, before starting the mission), then pointer address and value shown up.
It just fine now

-> Changed pointer's value to 2.37 with table provided by kalamazoo.stout

Author:  susahamat [ 10 Feb 2019, 10:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

g.a.u wrote:
Can you make it render at 2560 x 1440 (downsampling to 1080p) ? DSR is not working for me , only this game , it works fine with ger/ge2

first make sure your desktop in DSR Resolution (e.g 2560x1440) > Play a game > Go to Graphic Settings > Search your DSR Resolution

Author:  Gunnest663 [ 10 Feb 2019, 11:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

Visage wrote:
So I also had this problem with only stretching, Gunnest663, but after I actually loaded into the game(lobby, before starting the mission), then pointer address and value shown up.
It just fine now

-> Changed pointer's value to 2.37 with table provided by kalamazoo.stout

Still stretches for me, and when i do change whatever pointer value it gives me to 2.37, it goes to 2.369999886 and still stretches out


Author:  susahamat [ 10 Feb 2019, 11:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

@Gunnest663 : try this go back to TITLE main menu > Go to Graphic Settings > Switch fullscreen ON to BORDERLESS then switch back again to ON > Load game your save

Author:  Gunnest663 [ 10 Feb 2019, 11:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

susahamat wrote:
@Gunnest663 : try this go back to TITLE main menu > Go to Graphic Settings > Switch fullscreen ON to BORDERLESS then switch back again to ON > Load game your save

This fixed it, The trainer from before also works now with this, Hope theirs a better way to get ultra-wide working without doing this whole method

Author:  susahamat [ 10 Feb 2019, 11:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

yes you can but i'd recommend to fullscreen for better performance

Author:  Gunnest663 [ 10 Feb 2019, 12:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: God Eater 3 Ultrawide Request

Thats no problem for me, I've had no performance issues with borderless so far so it should be fine and it does work with borderless, thanks

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