Widescreen Gaming Forum

Skyrim Multi-Monitor User Interface Fix Discussion
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Author:  EvilEngineer [ 12 Nov 2011, 01:16 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:Casiotone

[quote]I've decompiled some of the interface .swf files.

Here's what I know:

  • Most of the interface elements are positioned by calling the "Lock" method on the different MovieClips within each interface

  • The "Lock" method is defined in __Packages.Shared.GlobalFunc, inside the SetLockFunction method

  • The placements of each element are determined by Top-Right, Bottom-Left, etc. Each of these locations are defined based on the Stage's dimensions for the .swf movie itself

  • Given the last point, it either means we'll have to define the dimensions of the .swf file from inside the game itself, OR someone with the correct resources can try to edit and recompile the interface's .swf files after redefining the SetLockFunction method to use arbitrary dimensions.

TLDR: Don't bother playing with the .swf files unless you have experience recompiling them. It's not the cause (but could potentially be hacked to fix things).

I have modified the swf file that I believe is responsible for the menus:) by the look of the content. now something very interesting is that the scene size is 1280x720 which give a locked 1.77..8 aspect ratio. I don't believe we can change this aspect ratio from withing the game's memory.

Now the only problem I am having is recreating the damn BAS file....... I am not a fallout3 etc modder so I am having trouble here. Anyone can tell me how to do this?

Best Regards,

Try renaming the Skyrim -Interface.bsa after unpacking it. Game launches and still runs so it looks like it's defaulting to the unpacked files now.

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 12 Nov 2011, 01:17 ]
Post subject:  You're doing good work guys,

You're doing good work guys, keep it up. We all appreciate it and hope to pay it back somehow.

Author:  helifax [ 12 Nov 2011, 01:35 ]
Post subject:  EvilEngineer wrote:helifax

[quote][quote]I've decompiled some of the interface .swf files.

Here's what I know:

  • Most of the interface elements are positioned by calling the "Lock" method on the different MovieClips within each interface

  • The "Lock" method is defined in __Packages.Shared.GlobalFunc, inside the SetLockFunction method

  • The placements of each element are determined by Top-Right, Bottom-Left, etc. Each of these locations are defined based on the Stage's dimensions for the .swf movie itself

  • Given the last point, it either means we'll have to define the dimensions of the .swf file from inside the game itself, OR someone with the correct resources can try to edit and recompile the interface's .swf files after redefining the SetLockFunction method to use arbitrary dimensions.

TLDR: Don't bother playing with the .swf files unless you have experience recompiling them. It's not the cause (but could potentially be hacked to fix things).

I have modified the swf file that I believe is responsible for the menus:) by the look of the content. now something very interesting is that the scene size is 1280x720 which give a locked 1.77..8 aspect ratio. I don't believe we can change this aspect ratio from withing the game's memory.

Now the only problem I am having is recreating the damn BAS file....... I am not a fallout3 etc modder so I am having trouble here. Anyone can tell me how to do this?

Best Regards,

Try renaming the Skyrim -Interface.bsa after unpacking it. Game launches and still runs so it looks like it's defaulting to the unpacked files now.

YES!!! It worked...sort of:))) I could see it for like 2 seconds before my game crashed:))) (or I thought I saw it:)) ) It seems that the swf file was not properly created...so I need to work on the recreation of the SWF file.... (some more)
Thanks for the info;))

The sucky part is that the swf creation failed to missing resources...it looks like we need to decompile some more swf files....

Author:  EvilEngineer [ 12 Nov 2011, 01:36 ]
Post subject:  Yeah... only issue I have

Yeah... only issue I have with swf files is that when they reference so many classes like this they tend to break upon recompile.

Author:  daimian [ 12 Nov 2011, 01:38 ]
Post subject:  Thank you

Thank you so much for all the hard work guys! I'm actually yelling out 'YES!' as I am reading this thread and seeing the progress your making!

Author:  helifax [ 12 Nov 2011, 01:41 ]
Post subject:  yeah...crap... Looks like we

yeah...crap... Looks like we need to decompile all the swf files..LOL

Hmm I am wondering about the other possibility to manipulate the size of the "scene" from within the game....

Author:  morxy49 [ 12 Nov 2011, 01:47 ]
Post subject:  hoping for an actual fix when

hoping for an actual fix when i wake up tommorow! :) keep up the good work guys!

Author:  Casiotone [ 12 Nov 2011, 01:59 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:yeah...crap...

yeah...crap... Looks like we need to decompile all the swf files..LOL

Hmm I am wondering about the other possibility to manipulate the size of the "scene" from within the game....

If it helps, Skyrim uses Scaleform to render the Flash movies. I don't know for certain, but if Scaleform renders the movies to a texture, you might be able to alter the texture or the geometry that it's being rendered to in order to force a Scene resize of the .swf file itself. Here's the Scaleform docs in case it helps: http://gameware.autodesk.com/scaleform/support/documentation

Though I'm a programmer, and have done some game development, I've never done any modding (other than installing a few), so I'm not certain what's feasible with the resources we have. I'd be happy to help code up a solution if anyone has ideas of where to start.

Author:  EvilEngineer [ 12 Nov 2011, 02:12 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:yeah...crap...

yeah...crap... Looks like we need to decompile all the swf files..LOL

Hmm I am wondering about the other possibility to manipulate the size of the "scene" from within the game....

I'm going to decompile all the SWF and dump them into the same root directory. That way all the .fla files reference the same actionscript files and we can simply edit 1 file and recompile all the swfs with that change. I'll post the zip of the files in a bit on my website.

Author:  helifax [ 12 Nov 2011, 02:15 ]
Post subject:  EvilEngineer wrote:helifax

[quote]yeah...crap... Looks like we need to decompile all the swf files..LOL

Hmm I am wondering about the other possibility to manipulate the size of the "scene" from within the game....

I'm going to decompile all the SWF and dump them into the same root directory. That way all the .fla files reference the same actionscript files and we can simply edit 1 file and recompile all the swfs with that change. I'll post the zip of the files in a bit on my website.

I tried that I still have alot of missing links....maybe it requires resources outside the inferface.bas file....:|

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