Widescreen Gaming Forum

Skyrim Multi-Monitor User Interface Fix Discussion
Page 27 of 302

Author:  HaYDeN [ 12 Nov 2011, 08:22 ]
Post subject:  There's alot of stuff that is

There's alot of stuff that is not in the SWF( s )

Author:  EvilEngineer [ 12 Nov 2011, 08:35 ]
Post subject:  HaYDeN wrote:There's alot of

There's alot of stuff that is not in the SWF( s )

Yeah the menu / interfaces all seem to be a mix between the overlay flash menu and the rendered 3d items.

Both of which are jacked up =/

Author:  Oz [ 12 Nov 2011, 10:56 ]
Post subject:  wake up helifax, its time to

wake up helifax, its time to wake up and save the world by posting your fix...........Ring Ring.......Ring Ring.........

Author:  CILLER [ 12 Nov 2011, 10:59 ]
Post subject:  It is getting close, as both

It is getting close, as both haYden as helifax are very close to a working fix.

I need to get myself to waiting, but it is hard :P I want to play so badly

Author:  kilmoor [ 12 Nov 2011, 11:08 ]
Post subject:  Wow, lots of progress over

Wow, lots of progress over the night. I'm glad to know that there are at least a few players out there that are even more peeved than I am. Bethesda's response above is right on par with my expectations. You know, these guys were over the top with Morrowind, the PC version was great. Then Oblivi-llout was just a touch over the edge for console clunky... Play a few hours of Stalker then play Fallout and it feels like a Fisher-Price toy in comparison. Now this? Visually, it is mediocre and hardly a step above Oblivion. They shouldn't have bothered. The response may as well have read "We don't support pain-in-the-neck PC gaming. Go buy a console if you want to play Skyrim!" This is the most expensive title I've ever bought on release. It's a little bit personal after dropping the cash for the video cards and triple-wide, then forking over such an obscene retail price for the game. Now I remember why test-driving with a pirate copy is such a good idea, that way I could try before I buy. And to you copyright police, I do buy when I intend to play a game through. If I were not so excited about this release... I should have known better. Shame on you, Bethesda.

Author:  Neovalen [ 12 Nov 2011, 11:15 ]
Post subject:  Thank you everyone for your

Thank you everyone for your efforts, I'm dying to dump this single screen non-sense and get back into 3x1 :) Looking promising so far!

Author:  thales100 [ 12 Nov 2011, 12:15 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:I GIVE YOU

I GIVE YOU SKYRIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] (almost FIXED!!!!)

Congrats helifax ! ;)

OK, this worked. I copied that INI to my INI and it worked, now I have the menu all zoomed in. really disappointing. also running the New Beta Drivers as well. whats up with the two hottest games this year not really supporting Surround Views.

Thats nice, the menu solution should be out soon, please keep checking WSGF. :onethumb

Not quite happy with it yet, still a few bugs.

A perfectionist as always eh ? :cheers

Author:  helifax [ 12 Nov 2011, 12:50 ]
Post subject:  HaYDeN wrote:Not quite

Not quite happy with it yet, still a few bugs.

Good morning everyone!

Nice!!! I am wondering...what happens if we combine our two fixes...into one! Maybe we can get the menu centered...and unstreached!!!

I already found a problem with my stretched menus..that you are unable to read any book...they are so close to screen that you cannot actually see the text only the pages(like they are un-written):))

Author:  Pixelsalt [ 12 Nov 2011, 13:19 ]
Post subject:  Hi

I am really exited about this fix :party:
also, I am new to the forum, hello!

Author:  morfinx [ 12 Nov 2011, 13:41 ]
Post subject:  Hi guys, I haven't read

Hi guys, I haven't read through the whole thread, so I might be repeating what someone else has said already. Portrait EF works fine for me (3600x1920) once I went into the ini file and set a custom resolution. There is something weird though: near the bottom of my screen, there is a permanent "LEVEL UP" phrase that cannot be clicked and never goes away. See screenshot:

Anyone experienced something like this?

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