Here's unofficial patch v1.19 (from 1.18). This is from the version.
Arx Fatalis English v1.19
- Fixed resolution management on cinemascope bar.
- New flare's occlusion system and optimization on Flare's management.
- Fixed the "done" button on charactersheet which was not working on some resolutions.
- Fixed the text size on the credits.
- Interface isn't scaled.
- Add version string in the menu.
- Drawtext optimization.
- Fixed light rendering on cinematic.
- New resolution enable.
- New timer system for a better interpolation on animation/camera/movement. (see notes for AMD).
- Fixed flare on lights.
- Remove zbuffer lock/unlock (fps win 14%).
- Fixed bug on raycast.
- Collision enhanced.
- Add flare management on cinemascope.
- Add FSAA and AA on font.