Widescreen Gaming Forum

Rise of nations thrones and patriots
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Author:  furiousleader [ 31 Jul 2004, 13:50 ]
Post subject:  Rise of nations thrones and patriots

hi, i noe theres once a thread in regard about this game, but with the 1.3 patch releases, I don't think that it will work any more with this game and expansion...

so does any body know either how to strech the game or make it widescreen viewable??

becaus i have 1280 * 800 , even thou screen is stretched with 1024 *760 , the texts and units seem blurry and fugly...

please let me know

thanks guys

Author:  lotrfan [ 03 Aug 2004, 04:26 ]
Post subject:  RE: thrones and patriots

Just follow the instructions for the regular rise of nations, but after running the game once (otherwise rise2.ini or whatever you have to edit won't show up.) I have not tested your 1280 x 800 resolution, but i have tried other typical widescreen resolutions, and they work with throne and patriots.

Author:  furiousleader [ 03 Aug 2004, 16:22 ]
Post subject:  Rise of nations thrones and patriots

the thing is that no where rise.ini or rise2.ini can be found on my computer..i even did the search of all the INI files none of them list with rise rise2...

Author:  joose bocks [ 11 Nov 2004, 00:39 ]
Post subject:  Rise of nations thrones and patriots

yeah, im with you. no .ini can be found on my computer. EVEN after i uninstall and install again. anybody have any thoughts?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 12 Nov 2004, 23:50 ]
Post subject:  Rise of nations thrones and patriots

Does the expansion patch to the original game to the same level as the latest 'solo' patch, or is it different? (Warcraft III, for example, has two different patches: one for the vanilla game, and one for the addon pack, but they are effectively the same thing)

The only thing I can think of is that they moved the resolution details somewhere more secure. That usually means the registry or in the executable itself...

Author:  GoldenTiger [ 04 Dec 2004, 21:53 ]
Post subject:  Rise of nations thrones and patriots

Hmmm... I own the original Rise of Nations and love it, considering picking up Thrones and Patriots as I have heard it is good. Has anyone figured out if it works in widescreen on a Dell 2005FPW (1680x1050)? I just ordered one and would love the expansion to play with if it does! Also, does the game still have an active community online to play with, or has it died out?

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