Widescreen Gaming Forum

Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen
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Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 17 Nov 2004, 00:26 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source work in widescreen ...

Just choose your widescreen resolution from the video setup menu ...
I have them on two machines ... one on my Nvidia 6800 Ultra running at 1920x1200 on my new 24" widescreen ... :shock: AWESOME :shock:
and here in these screenshots HL2 in Surround using the Matrox Parhelia ... not too bad either :D

Author:  harsaphes [ 17 Nov 2004, 02:29 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

strange im sure i didnt see that option. i will look again.

Author:  harsaphes [ 17 Nov 2004, 02:46 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

oh, its not the res. im looking for.

Author:  nitro [ 18 Nov 2004, 11:10 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

Paddy, can you post a pic of your Parhelia setup when playing HL2 ?

Thx 8)

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 18 Nov 2004, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

Hi nitro ...
Sure .... but I'm really busy right now ... give me a day or two ... :)

Author:  dub273 [ 18 Nov 2004, 17:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

Paddy the Wak wrote:
>Just choose your widescreen resolution from the video setup menu ...

I'm kind of in the same boat as the original poster. Unfortunately, I don't get a choice of desired resolutions from the options in the video setup menu. I can choose from 640x480 in the 4:3 menu, 1440x540 in the 16:9 menu, and 720x480 in the 16:10 menu, and that's it.

I started out with the 1440x540 option (which was what I was using to play DOOM 3)... and it looked really boffo, with the caveat that the display was really pinched. I mean, everybody was really thin, like on the Karen Carpenter diet. Moved down to 720x480, and the game objects are displayed correctly, but it's not the hi-def experience I was hoping for.

I'm running a P4 3.2 Ghz processor, a gig of DDR RAM, and an ATI Radeon X800 Pro. I'm running a DVI-I cable to my 65" monitor (a JVC I'Art Pro). I have Powerstrip configured to deliver resolutions of 640x480, 720x480, 960x540, 1440x540, 1280x720, and 1920x1080. Ideally I'd like to play Half-Life 2 at 1280x720, but I can't figure out how to get it done.

Considering how closely ATI worked with Valve, I would have thought using an ATI product would've given me a leg up on choosing my poison. Maybe I was wrong. So if anybody has a solution, I'd love to start sharing the love.


I found the solution after visiting the Home Theater Gaming sub-board in the AVS forums. Someone suggested my monitor driver was the culprit, and yup. That be it. Snipped:

Not knowing exactly what I was looking for, I did a search for "custom monitor driver" on Google and got a dead link here on the AVS forums. Luckily it was Google-cached, and the fellow there had used a utility called DXCapsView to determine his system's display functionality, which showed he was woefully underpowered. I managed to track DXCapsView down on an FTP site (why the heck isn't this functionality built into Windows or DXDiag???) and see that I was suffering from the same shortage of resolutions.

His solution was to use PowerStrip to write a new custom monitor driver, only instead of reading the info from the registry, he used the specs in the back of his projector's owner's manual for resolution, scan rate, etc. I thought I'd try that, though the manual for my I'Art didn't seem to specify this info, so that was a no go. Hmmm. (Anyone know where I could get the specs on the JVC AV-WP series?)

But I noticed that the monitor driver that I'd previously written had topped out at a height of 540 pixels. I got the new Catalyst drivers, downloaded the latest version of Powerstrip, had it read info from the monitor, and found it was maxing out at a much more palatable 720 pixels. Much progress. Much niceness. Wrote and installed the new driver, and found I was suddenly playing both Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 at 1280x720.

Further update: I just wrote another custom monitor driver, this time with a max height of 1080... didn't change anything else, and was able to play HL2 in 1920x1080i and access a very wide variety of resolutions. Now I've got a bunch of other games I have to try out...

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 19 Nov 2004, 20:29 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

Glad to see that you got that all sorted out. :D

I saw this by sheer random chance: without a new post in the topic, it wasn't considered 'updated'... :)

Author:  dub273 [ 19 Nov 2004, 21:08 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

Paradigm Shifter wrote:
>Glad to see that you got that all sorted out. :D

Me too. Believe me... ME TOO! :D HL2 is absolutely beautiful, and stunning, and deserving of the highest possible resolution I can give it...

Author:  nitro [ 20 Nov 2004, 10:41 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

Hi nitro ...
Sure .... but I'm really busy right now ... give me a day or two ... :)

Of course, take your time ;)


Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 20 Nov 2004, 12:31 ]
Post subject:  Half Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source - Widescreen

Here you go ...

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