Widescreen Gaming Forum

SimCity 3000 Unlimited widescreen?
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Author:  GoldenTiger [ 04 Dec 2004, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  SimCity 3000 Unlimited widescreen?

All of the games I currently play except for SimCity 3000 are mentioned on this forum and support widescreen, but I couldn't find anything about SimCity 3000 Unlimited using the search function. Anyone know of a solution for this version of Sim City?

By the way, this is an excellent forum :)! I've found it very useful... I just ordered a Dell 2005FPW 20" widescreen 1680x1050 LCD and can't wait for it to come in thanks to you guys! This site was very influential in my decision to choose widescreen over 4:3... I never knew that so many games, etc. supported widescreen! Someone on Fatwallet linked me here, thankfully, before I made my purchase decision.

Author:  Zak [ 10 May 2005, 17:15 ]
Post subject:  SimCity 3000 Unlimited widescreen?

Have you ever found a solution? I recently dusted off the SC3K CD and this game is still lots of fun but I wish it'd run at 1680x1050 on my Dell too.


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