Widescreen Gaming Forum

Star Wars Lego - Discussion
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Author:  erebus1 [ 06 Jun 2005, 14:36 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

r u using the demo version paradigm?

check out my above edit... i think i found out why its doing what its doing.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 06 Jun 2005, 14:41 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

Thanks for that - it still doesn't explain why it defaulted straight to 800x600 for me, but it presents some possibilities. And no, I'm not using the demo - I've got the full version.

PM Ibrin, he'll probably be able to host the screenshot here. :)

Author:  skipclarke [ 06 Jun 2005, 17:05 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

Did this work for you PS?

If so, I'll gladly post the shots. I've been wanting an excuse to get this game.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 06 Jun 2005, 21:39 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

Yeah - works with 1680x1050, 1280x800 and 1280x768. Didn't test any others. It's not stretched, either. :D The Video Options will misreport the res, though.

LSW is one of the most fun games I have played in a long time. Great fun - for any Lego or Star Wars fan. :D

edit: I moved the topic to the PC Solutions forum. One Lego Star Wars Game: solved! :lol: Nice work, erebus1. :)

Author:  erebus1 [ 06 Jun 2005, 21:45 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

hmmm u know whats weird.. that SWLEGO.BIN file houses all your controller, video, audio settings but not your saved games... and it seems like if you leave video options alone it defaults somehow to your desktop resolution.. but if you access that video options menu and then cancel right out it defaults to a 640x480 res... this is strange.

i wish there was a way to edit that .bin file but i cant figure it out.
i tried word, notepad and winhex and winiso.. but nothing seems to be able to open it or see anything other that garbledness...

Ibrin you should def check it out... im a pretty hardcore gamer (CS, HL2, basically anything FPS or racing and i was hooked on legoSW yesterday for like 8 hours... its real fun and its 2 player coop!!!
def get a digital controller though, makes it oh so much better.

Author:  mattdasplat [ 06 Jun 2005, 22:05 ]
Post subject:  Thanks!

This is an extremely fun game and if you haven't yet played it I urge you to at least get the demo! I was skeptical but me and my nephews have an absolute blast with this game. It covers episodes 1, 2 and 3 and is built for co-op play which works a treat.


Author:  skipclarke [ 08 Jun 2005, 05:19 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

I'm the kind of guy who bought all the original trilogy lego sets, and put them all up in my office at work. I even superglued them together, so when other people would come in to play with them, they wouldn't fall apart. So, no, I wouldn't like this game at all. :wink:

Oh, I want this one. I wanted it since it was announced. I'm glad it got good reviews. My only problem now is time and money (mostly money). Can someone post the link for the demo?

Also, I need some screenshots. I need something to compare a 4:3 and a 16:10. Like a 1024x768 and then a 1280x800 or a 1440x900.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 09 Jun 2005, 14:16 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

Heh. I've never bought any of the Star Wars Lego kits - not from lack of wanting to, though! :lol: I'd really like to get the Lego Star Destroyer... 8)

Oh, link for the demo:


It's just a touch over 200MB.

Author:  skipclarke [ 09 Jun 2005, 18:02 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

I'd like the Lego Millenium Falcon

Author:  WeAreDevo [ 11 Jun 2005, 00:25 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Lego - Discussion

Can someone host their bin file that makes the game run in 1680 1050? DetectGPU causes a crash that I suspect is due to my windows x64, but I bet if I just had the bin file I'd be ok. Can anyone host it or maybe email it to me?

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