Widescreen Gaming Forum

Warhammer DOW + WA. When can we expect...
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Author:  chrissp26 [ 11 Oct 2005, 19:58 ]
Post subject:  Warhammer DOW + WA. When can we expect...

the 1.5 update?

I'm really starting to get angry about these developers not supporting widescreen monitors. They've been around for sometime and we're not a minority anymore.

Does anyone know for certain that there will be widescreen support for either games in a future patch?

Also while I am here....has anyone found a way to run Act Of War: Direct Action in widescreen? I can't find a post on here with a proper resolution? (excuse the pun).



Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 11 Oct 2005, 22:22 ]
Post subject:  Warhammer DOW + WA. When can we expect...

To the best of my knowledge, there are no Relic coders who are members of the WSGF. ;) The place to post would be forums.relicnews.com. (The Relic forums are painfully slow at the minute...)

I do agree with you, though. :) My issue isn't so much the lack of support, but the fact that they broke the .ini edit support. That and the fact that with the new patches they've started using a new format in the .sga archives, instead of .lua, and so files aren't easy to edit any more.

Unfortunately, we know nothing for certain when it comes to this game, now. :(

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