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Star Wars Battlefront 2 http://www.wsgf.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=12752 |
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Author: | Raxor [ 31 Oct 2005, 15:56 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
I purchashed this today and i found out that in the video options, there is widescreen resolutions avaliable. What i would like to know from the pros if this is just a zoomed in with the top and button cut off. or is the FOV correct for the aspect ratio ive included a couple of screenshots to try and explain it... 1920 1200 http://www.fartclan.com/member/raxx/BattlefrontII%202005-10-31%2014-39-46-66.jpg 1600 1200 http://www.fartclan.com/member/raxx/BattlefrontII%202005-10-31%2014-43-33-49.jpg what i did notice was that the Crosshair was slightly bigger in 1920 than 1600 oh yeah - i didnt bother putting any AA on yet as i wanted to see how the game ran normally without it EDIT: screenshots changed to links as to not make the site design look bad. |
Author: | skipclarke [ 01 Nov 2005, 05:17 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
Lucky! The game doesn't come out until tomorrow here in the US. Looks like a great game :D I was a big fan of the original and can't wait to play this one. My completely unscientific observation of those shots - it looks like they may have implemented widescreen support. There's a bit of the top chopped off in the wide shot, but it looks like they do indeed expand the FOV to accomodate the widescreen resolution. just my speculation, but i'll pick up the game tomorrow and let you guys know what i find. |
Author: | pbuscher [ 02 Nov 2005, 20:08 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
Can anyone confirm that the PC version supports widescreen? And if so, can you use 1152x648? Thanks |
Author: | Phoenix [ 03 Nov 2005, 04:47 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
It's kind of hard to tell if it is zoomed in with top and bottom cut off (like you said) in those screenshots because you took the screenshots in different locations in the game. It would be easier to tell if you stayed in the same spot and switched the resolution. I have some game programming experience, and I can tell you that it makes no sense at all for anyone to make zoom the screen in and cut of top and bottom, especially in a First person shooter. It is just alot easier to allow normal widescreen, it actually isn't very hard at all for developers to add widescreen support to an FPS game, usually the only reason for leaving it out is if it's an older game or if they just forgot to put it in. So it's pretty safe to say that it is genuine widescreen support. |
Author: | pbuscher [ 03 Nov 2005, 19:54 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
What all resolutions does the game list in the menu? Does it just list exactly what you have listed in Windows or does the game have it's own list of supported resolutions? Thanks. |
Author: | skipclarke [ 04 Nov 2005, 04:45 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
Hi pbuscher - Here are the resolutions offered via the options>video menu: 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1280x1024 1600x900 1600x1024 1680x1050 1920x1200 |
Author: | Paradigm Shifter [ 04 Nov 2005, 10:52 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
It might list others if they are accessible in Windows... :) |
Author: | pbuscher [ 04 Nov 2005, 20:36 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
It might list others if they are accessible in Windows... :) I hope so! Out of that list, I can't do ANY of those widescreen resolutions. All I can do is either 1440x900 on my laptop or 1152x652 when having my laptop connected to my HDTV. |
Author: | skipclarke [ 05 Nov 2005, 06:59 ] |
Post subject: | Star Wars Battlefront 2 |
You got me curious. :wink: I went ahead and added 1440x900 as a custom resolution on my desktop, and lo and behold it popped up in the BF 2 video options. :D |
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