Widescreen Gaming Forum

HDR not working with Gateway FPD 2185W
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Author:  podracer69 [ 13 Apr 2006, 18:36 ]
Post subject:  HDR not working with Gateway FPD 2185W

Hello all. This is my first post. I just upgraded from a CRT to Gateway FPD 2185W. For some reason, Oblivion's HDR lighting option makes my screen all white, all blue or all black, but I can still see the health bars and targeting icon.

I am running windows xp 64-bit pro, and it only recognizes my monitor as a plug and play monitor with the little yellow exclamation point next to it in the device manager. Windows tells me that the driver was blocked from being installed due to causing problems with Windows.

Is the lack of driver support causing my HDR not to work in this game and will it cause other problems?

Also, are there any other generic or open LCD drivers that would allow windows to recognize my monitor? If so, could you please provide a link.

Thank you

Author:  w00t [ 16 Apr 2006, 10:22 ]
Post subject:  HDR not working with Gateway FPD 2185W

Do you have the latest video card drivers the 64bit ones? did this happen on your CRT? or does it?

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