I've started using an extention cable for my Acer AL1916W. I own a VGA one and an SVGA one. However, the VGA one causes my screen to go unbearably blurry, and the SVGA one doesn't want to allow me to use my 1440x900 resolution.
So far, I've been getting by this by using the VGA cable to set the resolution on startup, then switch to the SVGA which seems to work fine after it has been set. Obviously though, this is a pretty clumsy way of getting around this. I've had a search and I'm pretty sure I'm bad at searching, because I couldn't find anything like this on the net anywhere.
So, my question is, what type of cable should I be using? Is VGA fine, and is the blurriness just due to using a bad quality cable? SVGA seems to support it, but doesn't give me the option to use it in desktop options or in games. Is there a way around that? Or should I be using a tottally different cable? I've heard of things like WXGA+ and WSXGA, but they seem awfully rare.
Edit: By the way, my native resolution is 1440x900, and it's 16:10 and it seems that that's the only resolution this monitor doesn't give me the option to set it to.
Edit 2: Found a way to add a custom resolution in the nVidia Classic Control Panel. Going to reset my computer and see if it stays. Hopefully this will fix my problems! :D
Edit 3: Doesn't look like custom resolutions are a solution, my system becomes strangely unstable after exiting a game when windows is running a custom resolution.